[Shanghai 上海] Luneurs

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shanghai luneurs

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Add: #107, Building B, Xinfuli, #67 Xinfu Lu
Tel: N/A
Hours: 8am-8pm (closed on Mondays during soft opening)
Price: breads & desserts 30-45 RMB, drinks 25-40 RMB
Visited: Jun 2018

The truth: it is no longer possible for a normal human being to keep up with the rapid changes in the Shanghai F&B scene. During my month of being away, I constantly received info about yet another new restaurant/bakery/cafe/bar that popped up…given the limited time and stomach space, let’s choose only the best of the best, starting with Luneurs, a French bakery and ice-cream shop that just opened shy of a week ago.

The truth:上海餐飲界更新的速度已經不是人類可以跟上的了。離開的這一個月內不停地收到新店開幕的消息,不知不覺中累積了長長一列清單。在時間和胃都有限的情況下,我們就挑精華的來吃吧!回上海後探訪的第一家店,是在幸福里開幕還未滿一周的法式麵包+冰淇淋店 “Luneurs”。

shanghai luneurs

So why the name “Luneurs”? Well, a croissant kind of looks like a crescent moon, and a scoop of ice-cream kind of looks like a full moon, so they decided to name the shop after the French world for moon, “lune”, but conjugated it to become “luneurs”, which literally means moon people (doesn’t quite make sense), but can be more figuratively interpreted as “dreamers”. Quite romantic, no?

先得說說這家店爲何取名爲 Luneurs。小店主打的#1是可頌麵包,長的像彎月,主打#2是冰淇淋,一球挖起來圓圓地像滿月。既然都跟月亮有些聯系,店老板決定將店名取爲法語中的 “Lune”(月亮)的變體 Luneurs,直意是 “月亮人們”,但更有 “有夢想的人們” 之意。

shanghai luneurs

The shop itself is simple: the space is filled with a display for breads, espresso machine, ice-cream tubs, a row of seats along the wall, that’s it. The simplicity of the design effectively draws all focus to the pastries arranged in a neat row on the center display.

這是一家簡單明了的店:方形的空間裏有麵包櫃、咖啡機、冰淇淋機、一排靠牆的座位,that’s it。如此簡潔的陳列,讓所有人的目光自然而然落在了櫃台上一字排開的麵包和甜點們身上。

shanghai luneurs

The owner of Luneurs mentions that this kind of simple, product-focused display is inspired by famed pastry chef Cédric Grolet’s newest pastry boutique in Paris:

Luneurs 的老板說這種極簡,將聚焦點放在産品上的陳列方式靈感來自巴黎甜點名廚 Cédric Grolet 的甜點店:

cedric grolet

photo from Archiscience

Look at these sculpture-like pastries…pure art, I’d say.



photo from Archiscience

This style of display also reminds me of Lune Croissanterie, an extremely popular bakery in Melbourne. I haven’t been there myself, and have been drooling over photos of its shop and products for some years now:

這種陳列方式同時也讓我想起了墨爾本麵包名店 Lune Croissanterie,還沒去過但聽說這裏的可頌個個是極品:


photo from Denizen Navigator


photo from Denizen Navigator

Back to Luneurs in Shanghai. The display is easy to understand: viennoiseries on the left, desserts in the center, and savories on the right.

回到上海的 Luneurs。櫃台上的產品一目了然:左邊是千層酥皮類面包,中間是甜點,右邊是鹹食。

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shanghai luneurs

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shanghai luneurs

On the shelves right behind, there are baguettes, ciabatta, toasts, and pain au levain for take-outs.


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I took home a loaf of pain au levain for my avocado toast the next morning.

我選了個 Pain au Levain 酵種面包,准備第二天切片來做牛油果吐司。

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Just behind the shelves is the pastry kitchen, looking clean and neat.


shanghai luneurs

There’s only a row of seats at Luneurs placed against the wall, with tiny round tables to match. Not designed for you to lounge around all day, obviously.

Luneurs 的位子不多,就這樣沿著水泥牆一排,搭配的圓桌面積也小,顯然不是設計來讓人久坐的。

shanghai luneurs

I started with a ham & cheese croissant (35 RMB) to pad the empty stomach, and it, was, absolutely, delicious. Make sure to ask the staff to heat this up for you, and though this makes it a flat ugly thing, just imagine the melted cheese and the buttery fragrance…you know it’s the right thing to do.

Note: Luneurs uses brie in their ham & cheese croissant which I personally think is a better choice than the typical cheddar. Your thoughts?

我抵達時還沒吃午飯,先選了個 ham & cheese croissant 火腿芝士可頌(35元)墊墊肚子,結果令人驚豔的美味。堂食的話務必要請店員幫你加熱,壓烤過後的可頌麵包雖然扁得有點狼狽,但看看那融化的芝士,再想象一下可頌裏的黃油香氣跟著溫度的提升而大大加分,就知道這實在太誘人。

注:Luneurs 用的是味道溫和的 brie cheese(布裏芝士),個人覺得放在可頌裏面比較常見的 cheddar cheese(車達芝士)更美味。

shanghai luneurs

Then it’s dessert time. I proceeded with an “exotic sunset” (40 RMB), which is a buttery flaky puff pastry filled with mango passion fruit pastry cream and red fruit jam. Very sweet, best with a cup of black coffee or give half of it to a friend.

墊好肚子後,開始吃甜點。先嚐了一個 “exotic sunset”(40元),不好意思切面有點淩亂…不過味道是好的。酥脆的千層派皮裏加了芒果百香果味的卡仕達醬以及紅莓果醬,十分濃郁,甜度很高,適合配黑咖啡或把一半塞給朋友(謝謝巧遇到的 Z 小姐幫我分擔了糖份和熱量)。

shanghai luneurs

On a related note, one of Luneur’s men in charge is Son (who is French Vietnamese by the way, not Japanese as many people incorrectly assume), who used to be the store manager at Farine for quite some time. He also hired a MOF (Meilleur Ouvrier de France, the highest recognition given to artisans in France) baker to help out with new item development and quality control.

順帶一提,Luneurs 的幕後推手是被很多人誤認爲是日本人但其實是法籍越南人的 Son,是之前 Farine 早期創立時的重要人物之一。除了自己懂烘焙,Son 還請來了一位法國 MOF* 麵包師來幫忙開發新品和監督品質,出品的東西自然有水准。

*MOF = Meilleur Ouvrier de France,此獎項頒發給法國不同手工職業中的專業競賽得獎者,由法國勞動部組織並由法國總統頒發,是法國手工職業中的最高榮耀。

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shanghai luneurs

The other focus at Luneurs are the ice-cream, conjured up by Anne Catherine in the below photo, who was also the mastermind behind many of the flavors at the previously hyper-popular but unfortunately shut-down WIYF.

Luneurs 的第二重點是冰淇淋,由這位帶著頭巾的甜點師 Anne Catherine 負責。之前紅遍上海的 WIYF 冰淇淋口味有不少都是她幫忙開發的,可惜之前因爲 Farine 事件收到牽連而歇業,現在在新店又可以嚐到了。

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So if you are missing the salted caramel ice-cream from WIYF, you can now find it at Luneurs, with an addition of biscuit toppings for extra crunch. The cones are still made fresh to order, and the price is still friendly – 20 RMB for a scoop or 30 RMB for two scoops.

比如說,當時在 WIYF 最受歡迎的 salted caramel 海鹽焦糖口味冰淇淋就在這裏複活了,上面還添了增加口感的 biscuit bits 餅乾脆片。甜筒仍是現點現做,脆度和香味滿分;價格也仍是20元/球,30元/兩球,非常親民。

shanghai luneurs

I also tried a scoop of mango + lime zest, which for me was too sweet despite the addition of passionfruit in the ice-cream and lime zest on top. I was then recommended the vanilla + pineapple ice-cream as well as the affogato…for the next visit, I guess.

我另外還試了一球 mango + lime zest 冰淇淋。可惜的是雖然冰淇淋還加了百香果的酸味以及青檸皮的清香,但總體對我來說還是太甜了,最後沒能吃完。店員另外推薦了香草+鳳梨冰淇淋,我還在離開時發現這裏有 affogato(冰淇淋 + 意式咖啡)…決定下次回來嘗試。

shanghai luneurs

Opened only five days ago, Luneurs is still in its soft opening stage, which means limited offerings and limited hours (they are closed on Mondays for now). As is the case with most new shop openings, there are tons of details to be tweaked at Luneurs, but it’s already showing many promising signs. More to come!

Luneurs 開幕才五天,現在仍在試營業(怕客人不知道,還在玻璃窗上貼了一張手寫的 “試營業” 紙條,隨性地有點可愛)。爲了讓所有出品都達到水准,他們目前只提供少量選擇,等營業穩定後再增加品項。新店開幕還有很多進步的空間,但總之是個用心好店,讓人期待它的後續發展。

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Luneurs hasn’t done any publicity for now, but as we know well, a shop as pretty and tasty as this won’t stay low-key for long…not in a city like Shanghai. Soon enough there’s going to be a line out the door waiting for ice-cream, you don’t think?

試營業期間 Luneurs 沒做什麽宣傳,僅靠朋友之間的口耳相傳在做生意。但我們都知道在上海,這種好看又好吃的店消息很快就會一發不可收拾地給傳出去…應該在不久後,就會看到這裏排起長隊,人人等著自己那球冰淇淋吧?


價位:面包甜點 30-45 RMB,飲品 25-40 RMB

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