[Ferrandi] Week 2: Chocolate Tart

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Chocolate tart, the all-time crowd pleaser. We started off by making an almond sweet dough, which is similar to the pâte sucrée we used for our figs tart and pear tart, but with added almond powder. A small but important step is to trim the tart shell after it’s baked to achieve a smooth surface. Ah yes, it’s all in the details.

Then, add in crème prise au chocolat, a mixture of liquid heavy cream, milk, eggs, sugar, and 64% dark chocolate.

Bake, then leave to cool.

On the baked chocolate, pour a layer of chocolate sauce made from water, glucose, liquid heavy cream, and 70% dark chocolate. Leave to settle.

Et voilà, shiny like a mirror!

To make croquant au grué, combine butter, sugar, milk, glucose, cocoa grain, and flour, then roll the mixture out on a sil-pat. Bake until caramelized, then leave to cool before removing. The result: crunchy buttery cocoa crisps!

Decorate chocolate tart with croquant au grué and gold leaves, if available.

A cross-section of this tart clearly shows the two layers of chocolate – one baked, and one unbaked.

The chef also demonstrated the making of a chocolate raspberry tart. The main thing here is the ganache, which is liquid heavy cream mixed with inverted sugar, raspberry (or another fruit) puree, 64% dark chocolate, and butter.

Pour the mixture into the tart shell and leave to settle. Decorate with raspberries and croquant au grué.

The cross-section of this tart shows only one layer of chocolate – the chocolate raspberry ganache. Compared to the previous chocolate tart, this one is a lot denser in texture and fruitier in flavor.

Simple? Not so quick. One way the tart can go wrong is this: the pastry dough fails to stick to the tart mold, and falls over into a fold. This can happen if you forget to butter the mold, or put too much flour in the lining process – both can prevent the dough from sticking.

Another way the tart can go wrong: the shell cracks, resulting in chocolate sauce leakage.

After a few hours of traveling on the road, my croquant au grué fell to the surface of the tart. Quel dommage! Fortunately, the tart still tasted heavenly. I’m usually not a huge chocolate fan, but I really appreciated this tart as it was rich but not overly so, with velvety smooth chocolate filling contrasted by crunchy croquant au grué. Love, love, love.

Next up: Lintzer torte and Victoria tart!

7 thoughts on “[Ferrandi] Week 2: Chocolate Tart

  1. 您好,又来打扰您。我模仿您的派做了三个。馅料还好,但派皮回缩很厉害。我在网上查了一下,铺在派盘上之后还要在冰箱里放一个小时。今天我又做了一个,按照这方法也冷藏了。结果还是回缩。请教一下是怎么回事呢?谢谢!

    1. 回缩一点是正常的,不过回缩很多的话可能是揉面团的时候出了问题。建议不要过度揉面(这样会导致起面筋)。您用的是什么食谱呢?

  2. 您好,我用的是《专业烘焙》的中文版和一本川上文代著的《西式糕点》里面的配方综合在一起的。谢谢您的指点。我今天把苹果派和巧克力派再做一次。听我一位做甜点的朋友说您有出书,不知道是不是。

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