[Shanghai 上海] Garden Terrace at Le Baron 花園露台

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Garden Terrace at Le Baron

Add: 7F 20 Donghu Road
Tel: 5424 5181
Hours: Tue-Sat 5-11pm (closed on Sun-Mon)
Price: [alcohol] 70-100 RMB [oysters] 98-256 RMB/dozen from 5-8pm, 198-456 RMB/dozen after 8pm
Visited: May 2016

Shanghai has been raining nonstop lately, so I’m going to tell you about a good place to go when it finally turns sunny and we’ll all have something to look forward to. You might have heard of Le Baron, or are even a frequent patron of this ever-so-popular night club, but you probably didn’t know that it has a lovely garden terrace up on its rooftop. There’s sun, cool breeze, music, alcohol, and the best part is that it’s not so crowded…well, at least for now.

最近上海真是下雨下到人都要長霉了,所以今天決定介紹一個放晴時的好去處給大家心裏曬曬太陽。 你可能知道 Le Baron 這家傳說中紅到很難入場的夜店,不過你應該想不到它的頂樓居然藏了一個隱秘舒適的露台…有陽光、有微風、有音樂、有美酒,而且重點是人超級少。嗯,至少目前爲止是的。



For those who haven’t been, this is what Le Baron looks like. These two photos were taken in the afternoon before the club opens, hence the lack of people. It’s indeed a bit eerie to see the space this empty, given how happening it is during night time.

我們先看一眼 Le Baron 舞池和 lounge 的部份。這兩張照片是下午還沒開門時拍的,可自行配上人頭竄動的畫面還有咚滋咚滋的背景音樂。



And upstairs it’s this light-hearted! What a contrast.





The terrace opens from 5pm everyday (except Sunday and Monday when the club is closed), making it an ideal place to get some late afternoon sun and drinks after work. They have happy hours from 5-8pm, the drinks remain the same prices but there is an attractive discount on oysters – a dozen of David Hervé Fine de Claire No. 4  goes for 98 RMB only (or 198 RMB after 8pm), there is also La Royale No. 3 (258 RMB / 358 RMB for a dozen) and La Royale No. 3 (128 RMB / 228 RMB for half a dozen).

Le Baron 露台最近才剛 soft opening,除了周日一休息之外,每天下午5點就開始營業,是個下班後來曬太陽喝小酒的好地方。下午5~8點是 Happy Hour,酒沒比較便宜,不過一打 David Hervé Fine de Claire No. 4 僅要 98 RMB(8點之後198 RMB),另外也有 La Royale No. 3 (258 RMB或358 RMB/一打) 和 La Royale No. 3 (128 RMB或228 RMB/半打)。



Le Baron isn’t a cocktail specialty bar like Speak Low or Botanist, so its offerings are more casual and simple. I like Ginspiration (90 RMB) for its light pink color and the summery, refreshing flavor. This is actually a drink from downstairs and isn’t actually on the terrace menu, but you can order it anyway.

Le Baron不是 Speak Low 或著 Botanist 這種專門的 cocktail bar,調酒比較隨興輕松,而且酒味不是很重。很喜歡這裏的Ginspiration(90 RMB),粉粉嫩嫩的顔色非常漂亮,而且清爽的味道一喝就瞬間夏天了。這款不在露台酒單上,不過悄悄地告訴你它是可以點的 ;)




Strawberry Daiquiri (70 RMB):  strawberry, Havana rum, lime, sugar. Also available in passion fruit and lemon flavors.

Strawberry Daiquiri (70 RMB):草莓、哈瓦那朗姆酒、青檸檬、糖,也可選擇百香果或檸檬口味。


Shiso Mojito (70 RMB): shiso, Havana rum, fresh lime, ginger beer, sugar. I’ve ordered this twice – the first time was very good (I personally am a big fan of shiso), but the second time it was so sweet that it was impossible to drink – we had to ask the bartender to make it again.

Shiso Mojito (70 RMB):紫蘇葉、哈瓦那朗姆酒、新鮮青檸、乾薑啤酒、糖。這款我點過兩次,第一次不錯(個人非常喜歡紫蘇的味道),不過第二次調的甜到完全無法入口,結果又請吧台重做了一杯。


Sakiwi (70 RMB): Japanese sake, fresh kiwi, fresh lime. Really enjoyed this one for its ultra fresh taste.

Sakiwi (70 RMB):日本清酒、新鮮奇異果、新鮮青檸。這款我很喜歡,非常新鮮清爽,不甜不膩。


Here’s a 100% summery scene for you. Oh, and for those who shisha,  I heard they’ve got eight flavors going on – apple, strawberry, grape, peach, orange, mint, lemon, and honeydew!

100%夏天的畫面送給你。有陽光、有音樂、有微風、有美酒、有生蚝。What’s not to love? 他們最近還開始提供水煙了,有蘋果、草莓、葡萄、桃子、橙子、薄荷、檸檬、還有香瓜口味。




And it gets dark.




The evening vibe is charming as well (and you can’t see the pollution as clearly, aha).




Cute lights.


The terrace closes at 11pm, but somsetimes when there is a good crowd they will extend the hours to midnight, after which you can head down for some serious dance moves. I’m more of a chill-on-the-terrace type of person and apparently Shanghai’s turning sunny as we speak…so see you upstairs later?

露台11點結束營業,不過人多的時候也會延遲到12點。之後有興致的可以直接下樓去 club 繼續喝,不過那個氛圍可是完全不同嘍。老實說我自己是對輕松悠閑的露台比較有興趣,聽說過幾天上海要放晴了,我們Le Baron樓上見?

Garden Terrace at Le Baron

電話:5424 5181
營業時間:周二-六 5-11PM(周日一休)
價位:酒 70-100 RMB,生蚝 (5-8PM) 98-256 RMB/打,(8PM-) 198-456 RMB/打

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