[Tokyo] Konakara こなから

Konakara おでん処こなから

Add: 〒100-6505 東京都千代田区丸の内1-5-1 新丸の内ビルディング5F
Hours: [lunch] 11am-3pm [dinner] 5-11pm
Price: ¥200~450/oden
Website: www.konakara.com
Visited: Jan 2011

There’s a buzz at Konakara that makes you feel like you’ve come to the right place. Diners sit elbow to elbow along the cozy U-shaped counter, all facing the signature gourd-shaped copper kettle filled with oden. All that crowding does not exactly make an ideal place for a private tête à tête, but if you’re looking for a warm and delicious evening, this may be exactly what you’re after.

Starters (¥1,000/trio), simple but delicious.

Among all the items we ordered, my favorites were: 京がんも (deep fried tofu ball)餅きんちゃく (tofu pouch filled with mochi), いわしつみれ (sardine fish ball), and 帆立入りさつま揚げ. Other standard fare like 大根 (daikon radish) and 産みたてたまご (boiled egg) are of course delicious as well, especially when devoured with the accompanying steamy hot broth made from shiitake mushrooms, kelp, katsuobushi, and mackerel.

Here are the deep fried tofu ball, tofu pouch filled with mochi, and sardine fish ball (¥350 each).

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[Tokyo] Quintessence

Quintessence レストラン カンテサンス

Add: 1F “Barbizon 25″ building, 5-4-7 Shirokanedai, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 108-0071
.           〒108-0071 東京都港区白金台5-4-7 バルビゾン25 1F
Tel: [reservation] 03-5791-3715 [information] 03-5791-3711
Hours: [lunch] 12-3pm [dinner] 6:30-11pm
Price*: [lunch] ¥7,875+10%/person [dinner] ¥16,800+10%/person
Website: www.quintessence.jp
Visited: Jan 2011

Did you know that Tokyo has more Michelin stars than Paris? With so many fine dining options in the city, choosing a few on a short visit becomes an almost impossible affair. Luckily, a foodie friend who spent her university years in Tokyo dropped me some names, and Quintessence, a three Michelin star restaurant serving modern French cuisine, was on top of her list.

Quintessence is tucked away on a beautiful little residential street in Shirokanedai, apparently an area for rich lady afternoon teas. As Quintessence is a popular place, it’s advised to call at least 2 months in advance for dinner reservations, but lunch spots are much easier to get.

The interior of the restaurant is sleek and simple. My only complaint is that there are no windows in this restaurant, allowing for no natural light even during lunch time. We were seated in the private room which was extremely fortunate, as they don’t seem to permit photography in the main dining room.

The chef, Shuzo Kishida, has worked as the sous chef at L’Astrance in Paris, and brought back with him all that he has acquired at the legendary three Michelin star establishment.The dishes change everyday based on seasonal produces, and never does the restaurant use yesterday’s materials for today’s meal.

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