[Chengdu 成都] Small Company


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Small Company

Add: 1F Chengdu Times No. 1, Chengdu / 成都市時代一號一樓
Tel: 13688109298
Hours: ?
Price: ~35RMB/coffee
Visited: Aug 2017

Small Company is a mobile coffee trolley located inside Hug boutique at Chengdu Times No. 1. Hug itself is an interesting space worth exploring – situated on the 1st floor of an office building (very curious choice, indeed), it is a bright and airy fashion select shop with an interesting play on interior space. Take some time to wander and explore its many hidden nooks. As for Small Company, try a cup of their iced latte to cool down this summer heat, takeouts might also be a good idea if you happen to work close by.

說 Small Company 是一家咖啡店其實過于牽強,其實它是一個位于買手店 Hug 的小小 coffee trolley。Hug 本身就很有意思,棲身于辦公樓內,由于四面都是大片的玻璃的關系,空間感覺特別通透。內部設計高低錯落、動線迂回,二樓還有棟梁的店中店,展示著不少中國設計師品牌的作品。Small Company 的咖啡車位于一樓,小小一個很可愛,大片玻璃窗旁的位置充滿了空氣感。可以來喝一杯冰拿鐵降降溫,在附近工作的話也可以叫外送服務。





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[Chengdu 成都] Five Elephant Coffee


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Five Elephant

Add: 151-13 Shuangqiao Road, Chengdu / 成都市雙橋路151號附13號
Tel: (028) 6463 7466
Hours: 10am-7pm
Price: ~35 RMB/coffee
Visited: Aug 2017

Curiously, the famed Berlin coffee roaster Five Elephant has its one and only branch outside of Berlin in Chengdu, China, of all places. If you are wondering why, here’s a good read. While I wasn’t especially impressed by what I got that day (though it’s possibly because I used up my coffee quota at The Mondoli’s Blood earlier that day), it’s still a cute little shop worth visiting if you happen to be in the area.

柏林 Five Elephant 是非常有名的咖啡館,之前沒聽說在海外還有分店,沒想到居然在成都有一家。店裏的設計簡單舒服,用的自然是 Five Elephant 的豆子,雖然當天的出品沒有特別令人驚豔(也有可能是因爲在 The Mondoli’s Blood 已經用掉當天的咖啡配額了所以無法再 enjoy),不過小巧的店挺可愛,剛好在附近的話可以來窗邊坐坐。





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[Beijing 北京] Fnji Furniture 梵几客廳


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Fnji Furniture 梵几客廳

Add: No. 41 Guozijian Street, Beijing
Tel: 010-5367 2899
Hours: 11am-5:30pm (closed on Mon)
Website: www.fnji.com
Price: drinks 40 RMB+, desserts 35 RMB+
Visited: Sep 2016

Bejing-based Fnji (pronoused “Fanji”) is a furniture brand founded by Chinese industrial designer Gu Qigao in 2000. His pieces, all handmade from wood, make use of the Chinese mortise and tenon joint structure, with designs that bridge between modern and traditional aesthetics. His aspiration? To make furnitures that “age alongside its owners, gaining more character over time as it is passed from one generation to the next”. I visited his showroom in Guozijian and fell head over heels for this beautiful space – it also doesn’t hurt that they have an stylish cafe and a serene courtyard nestled in the back…

梵幾是中國設計師古奇高創立的獨立家具品牌。他們在北京國子監的 “客廳” 融合了中國傳統院落與現代風格,空間分成了雜貨、家具和咖啡三個區域,每一區都是大寫的美。



The boutique showcases designs from both China and Japan, as well as works from Gu himself. The style is simple, stylish, decidedly Asian but with a modern western vibe. No photos are allowed in the showroom so you can either visit yourself and check out their designs online. For now, let’s move over to the cafe. It was very busy when I visited on a Sunday afternoon, and I was fortunate to find the last empty seats in the courtyard.

展廳裡擺放了品牌兩種風格的家具 - 極簡主義,以及線條更爲豐富的新中式風格 - 還有自創的 “生野安室” 雜貨品牌。不過展廳內不能拍照,那就來看看咖啡區吧。我在周日下午人最多的時候造訪,室內座位已全部客滿,還好很幸運的坐到了庭院裡唯一還空著的位子。



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[Beijing 北京] Metal Hands


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Metal Hands

Add: No. 61 Wudaoying Hutong, Beijing
Tel: 15510533895
Hours: 9am-9pm
Price: coffee 26 RMB+
Visited: Sep 2016

Another cafe worth recommending in Beijing is Metal Hands. Just opened this July, this little coffee shop is settled in the busy Wudaoying Hutong, not far from Barista Coffee Roasters. Mr. Ding, the owner of the cafe, has apparently been in the China coffee scene for over 10 years, and is one of the first to dedicate his time to latte art (though he wasn’t in the shop on the day of my visit).

Metal Hands位于五道營,今年7月才開幕。聽說這裏的丁老板在咖啡圈已十幾年,是國內比較早開始玩拿鐵拉花的前輩,而且還是個格外低調的帥哥(不過我沒遇上本人)。



Metal Hands is not big. The elongated space includes a bar on the right, some seats on the left, and an inner corner with skylight. Concrete walls, wooden furniture, and fresh flowers for decoration. It’s not spacious by any means, but quite comfortable nonetheless.

Metal Hands 的店面不大,狹長的空間右邊是咖啡吧台,左邊是一排靠牆的位子,最裡面有頂著天窗、陽光充足的雙人卡座。乾淨的水泥牆、木色調桌椅、還有點綴的鮮花 - 絕對說不上寬敞,卻倒也舒適。



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[Shanghai 上海] Grains


Grains (venue closed)

Add: 202 Wukang Road, near Fuxing Road
Tel: N/A
Hours: [Mon-Thu] 8am-6pm [Fri-Sun] 8am-7pm
Price: [coffee] 25-50 RMB [pastries] 8-20 RMB
Visited: Sep 2015

It’s Franck Pecol at it again.  After Franck, Le Petit Franck, Rachel’s, and Farine, his most recent project is Grains, a stylish coffee shop located on – you’ve guessed it – Wukang Road. It’s a sleek space with beautiful interior design and some charming outdoor seats to match. They roast their own beans daily before the shop opens (more details below),  source mini croissants and pain au chocolat from their very own Farine, and rumor has it that the space will turn into a bar in the evening…sometime in the future.

Franck Pecol又開新店了。繼法式餐館Franck,小酒館Le Petit Franck,漢堡店Rachel’s和面包店Farine之後,Pecol先生最新的項目是間名叫Grains的咖啡店。你猜他開在哪裏?沒錯,又是武康路。這裏的咖啡豆每天早晨在開店前新鮮烘培,可頌和餅乾等則由自家的Farine提供,加上漂亮的設計和舒服的戶外座位,也難怪每到周末就門庭若市。





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[Shanghai] Chang Zuo 長作


Chang Zuo 長作

Add: No. 2, Alley 764, Changle Rd./ 長樂路764弄2號
Tel: N/A
Hours: N/A (no specific info during soft-opening)
Price: [drinks] 40-68 RMB [pastries] 40 RMB
Visited: Sep 2015

Just opened 2 months ago, Chang Zuo 長作 is the newest outlet by Chinese fashion brand/select shop Dong Liang 棟樑. Located on Changle Road, this beautifully renovated structure includes a first floor cafe, topped by 3 levels of boutique space displaying a carefully curated selection from independent designers, as well as Dong Liang’s own creations. The design style is a mix of modern and wabisabi, with careful attention to details. It’s exactly my cup of tea.

荃二文老板的福,我在回上海的第四天就發現了棟梁于長樂路上新開的 “長作“。 一樓是咖啡館,二至四樓則是與棟梁合作的獨立設計師作品陳列室。整個空間非常漂亮,許多小細節都做的相當用心,而且雖是新店,卻已有種沈澱過,令人安心的穩重感。





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