[Shanghai 上海] Highline


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Add: 6F, Ascott, Hong Kong Plaza, 282 Middle Huaihai Road
Tel: 6333 0176
Hours: 11am~1am
Price: brunch 200+ RMB/person, dinner 350+ RMB/person
Visited: Apr 2017

Highline, located on the 6th floor of the Ascott in Hong Kong Plaza, is the hot place to be at this moment. To be honest, I wasn’t so impressed when I visited last year during its soft-opening stage – yes, the terrace is sexy and sleek, but the food and service were lacklustre at best. Highline has since then undergone a makeover of chefs and menus, and seems to be receiving especially good reviews for its brunch…time to go back for a second look.

開在香港廣場北座雅詩閣酒店 6 樓的 Highline,最近似乎非常熱門。由于是朋友投資的餐廳,去年還未正式開幕時我先去蹓跶過了幾次,但是(雖然這樣說可能對廚房的工作人員有些失禮)當時最讓我驚豔的是它漂亮的露台,而非食物本身。前一陣子聽說換了主廚改了菜單,趁上海天氣正好,我和朋友們挑了個陽光明媚的日子去試了試周末早午餐。




Though I’m quite in love with the terrace, we opted for the indoor sunroom as it was too windy on the day of our visit. First things first upon being seated – a glass of mimosa (68 RMB) to start the day.

雖然是衝著露台來的,不過當天風大而且朋友帶了小baby一起來,所以最後選了室內的陽光屋。落地窗完全打開,整個空間非常通透,舒服地坐下來後先來杯 Mimosa(68元)。


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[Shanghai 上海] Ginger by the Park


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Ginger by the Park

Add: 91 Xingguo Lu
Tel: 3406 0599
Hours: 10:30am-11pm
Price: 200~250 RMB/person
Visited: Apr 2017

Years ago when I first visited Ginger, it was still tucked away in a small alleyway on Fuxing West Road. With the loveliest courtyard, this was where I would spend afternoons sipping on tea and having lazy conversations with friends. Upon returning from Paris, I discovered that the cafe/bistro has moved to a new location on Xingguo Road…less discrete, but no less charming.

好幾年前第一次去 Ginger,它還開在複興西路的小弄堂裏,很喜歡那穿過細長通道後豁然開朗的感覺,下午坐在院子裏非常舒服。從巴黎回到上海後發現 Ginger 搬家了,新的地點在興國路上一個很安靜的地段,旁邊是公園,窗外一片綠。翻開菜單,看到的第一句話就吸引到我了:

“我們巡遊了世界,迫不及待地想和你分享那些最觸動我們味蕾和心靈的各地美食。Ginger 邀請你跟我們一起踏上舌尖上的奇妙旅行,感受口腹滿足的小幸福。”




Ginger’s owner Betty is Singaporean by origin, but has been traveling around pretty much all her life. After going through Beijing, Hong Kong, and Tokyo, she settled in Shanghai in 2003, and Ginger was born. A foodie at heart, Betty tastes insatiably as she travels, and brings back all that is delicious to her restaurant, sharing her passion with fellow food lovers.

Ginger 的老板 Betty 是新加坡人,1987年搬到了北京(好早),後來去了香港、東京、2003年來到上海,不知不覺中已經十幾年了。她是個完全的吃貨,在東京居住的十年期間于藍帶學習了法式料理和甜點,更在旅途中更嚐遍了各地的美味並將它們帶回了自己的餐廳,分享給同樣熱愛美食的客人們…正如她菜單第一頁所描述的。



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[Shanghai 上海] Garden Terrace at PuLi Hotel 璞麗酒店花園露台


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Garden Terrace at PuLi Hotel

Add: 1 Changde Road
Tel: 2216 6996
Hours: 7am-1am (afernoon tea 2:30pm-5:30pm)
Price: tea set 300 RMB/person + 10% service charge & 6% tax
Visited: Apr 2017

Please note that this was an arranged tasting.

Spring in Shanghai is ever so pleasant yet short-lived, so when it is upon us, it’s pretty much obligatory to spend as much time outdoor as possible. A most ideal patio choice would be Garden Terrace at the PuLi Hotel, which, incidentally, has always been one of my favorite hotels in town. The property is conveniently located at the heart of Jing’an District, yet somehow manages to shield out all the hustle and bustle, imbuing a sense of zen to all that enters its grounds. I think you might like it too.





The lush and quiet Garden Terrace, just a wall apart from Jing’an Park, is blessed with cool breeze, sunshine, and comfortably furnished with sofa and daybeds…lay down, sip on a cup of tea or a glass of champagne, and let all worries melt away.



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[Shanghai 上海] Brute Cake Cafe


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Brut Cake Cafe

Add: 698 Yuyuan Road
Tel: 173 2100 8129
Hours: [Mon-Fri] 7am-9pm [Weekend] 10am-8pm
Price: 80~100 RMB/person
Visited: Apr 2017

My first time encountering Taiwanese designer Nicole Teng’s works was about 7 years ago in Plum Gallery, and right there and then I was charmed by her cute hand-drawn faces. Upon returning from Paris in 2015, I was pleased to discover that Nicole has opened a showroom called Brut Cake on Anfu Lu, though I was also slightly disappointed that there’s no actual cake in the shop…then, just earlier this year, Brut Cake Cafe opened, and yes they do sell cakes!

第一次見到台灣設計師 Nicole Teng 的手繪臉孔,應該是七年前的事情了吧。當時靜安別墅裏有個叫做 Plum Gallery 的空間,我到訪時正好展著 Nicole 的一些作品,各式各樣的手繪臉孔我一下就喜歡上了。幾年後從巴黎回來,發現她在安福路上開了家以自己品牌 Brut Cake 爲名的雜貨店,正想著爲什麽店名有 “cake” 而店裏卻沒有蛋糕的時候,真的有賣蛋糕的 Brut Cake Cafe 就在今年開幕了。



Located on Yuyuan Road, Brut Cake Cafe is designed in the same warm and soothing style as Brut Cake, with a sunny patio and wood-centric furniture. The most prominent feature, without a doubt, is the mug display on the wall showcasing 100 different hand-drawn faces, the ones that attracted me in the first place years ago.

位于愚園路的 Brut Cake Cafe 延續了 Brut Cake 返璞歸真的設計理念,有陽光滿分的露台和木質色系爲主的家具,一切都讓人感覺溫暖舒服…不過最引人注目的,還是牆上擺設著的一百只不同手繪臉孔的馬克杯 - 永澤洋蔥頭、花輪劉海、卷毛小胡子…你看上了,哪一個?



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[Shanghai 上海] Tai’an Table 2.0 泰安門 2.0


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Tai’an Table

Add: /
Tel: /
Website: www.taian-table.com
Hours: Tue-Sat 6pm-12am
Price: 1088/10 courses, 1388RMB/14 courses
Visited: Feb 2017

Please note that this was an arranged tasting.

I’ve written about Stefan Stiller’s Tai’an Table last April when this hidden restaurant first opened (click here to read), and it wasn’t long before it was awarded a Michelin star. To everyone’s surprise, however, Tai’an Table got shut down the very next day due to license issues, officially making it the shortest-lived Michelin restaurant in history. Talk about being dramatic.

去年四月泰安門剛開時,我曾寫過這家地址和電話都不公開的隱藏餐廳(沒看過這篇的人可以點擊這裏閱讀)。由德國名廚 Stefan Stiller 親自把關的創意料理在開業不久後獲得了米其林一星,整個團隊開心地喝香槟慶祝,卻沒想到得獎第二天就因爲證照不全而被迫停業,成爲史上壽命最短的米其林餐廳。


But the incident turned out to be positive after all, as Tai’an Table got unprecedented media attention from both in and outside of China, including majors ones like the BBC. They quickly got reorganized and opened Tai’an Table 2.0 last December, at a new location near the intersection of Zhenning Lu and Xinzha Lu. Let’s take a look.

不過塞翁失馬焉知非福,泰安門因此上了不少國內外的大小媒體(包括英國 BBC),反倒打響了餐廳的名氣。去年 12 月他們整裝重啓,將泰安門 2.0 開在了鎮寧路新閘路口附近的巷弄裏。


Keeping the design from version 1, Tai’an Table 2.0 is an open kitchen surrounded by 22 bar seats, with two tables of four on the side.

沿襲一店的設計,這裏有環繞著開放式廚房的 22 個座位以及兩個 4 人卡座,坐滿也只有30個位子,走的是精致路線。


On the second floor, there is a bar in collaboration with Leroy Champagne – a nice place to have an aperitif while taking a sneak peek at the kitchen below through the slender windows.

二樓還有個和 Leroy 香槟合作的酒吧,可以餐前來這裏喝一杯,也可以透過窗戶看到樓下廚房的動靜。


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[Shanghai 上海] Sober Company


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Sober Company

Add: 99 Yandang Lu
Tel: N/A for the moment
Hours: [Sober Cafe] 8am-1am [Sober Kitchen] 5pm-12am [Sober Society] 7pm-2am
Price: [dishes] 55~190 rmb [cocktails] 85-130 rmb
Visited: Feb 2017

Since opening in 2014, Speak Low has been one of Shanghai’s hottest (+ one of my personal favorite) bars, and its popularity grew even wilder after they won #2 in Asia’s 50 Best Bars last year. In the meanwhile, its owners have been preparing for a grander project – whimsically named “Sober Company” – which soft-opened earlier this month. If you know anything about the team, you’d chuckle at this name…because you know that there is no way you are walking out of here sober.

Speak Low 自 2014 年開幕以來一直是上海最紅(以及我個人很喜歡的)酒吧之一,而在去年得到亞洲 50 Best Bars 第三名後更是一座難求 - 我最近有一次在周四晚上前往,結果直接被擠了出來(明明不是周末…)。在 Speak Low 人氣爆表的同時,老板們在這個月低調地開了家名爲 Sober Company 的新店。Sober 意爲 “清醒的、未醉的”,想想實在是個很幽默的名字…你覺得你來 Speak Low 老板開的店,能夠清醒地走出去?呵呵。


I’m doing a bit of pastry consulting for Sober Company and so was lucky to get a preview of the place before it opened. The location is at the crossroad of Yandang Lu and Nanchang Lu. Its storefront, donned in a charming grayish-blue, reads Sober Café, Sober Kitchen, and Sober Society. That’s right, this place serves more than just alcohol.

新店才剛開始營業,我因爲幫他們做一些甜點顧問項目,所以已經先來了幾次。地點在雁蕩路南昌路路口,優雅沈穩的藍色店面上寫著 Café、Kitchen、Society,分別是咖啡館、餐廳、和酒吧。哦?原來這裏不只有酒喝。


This two-storey, New York-inspired establishment is orchestrated by Shingo Gokan, champion of the Bacardi Global Legacy cocktail competition in 2012, as well as the man behind New York’s Angel’s Share for the past 10 years.

打造 Sober 的是自 2012 年得到 Bacardi Global Legacy 調酒大賽冠軍後一炮而紅的日本調酒師 Shingo Gokan 以及他的團隊,店的靈感來自他住了十幾年的紐約。



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[Shanghai 上海] Cafe Dan 丹咖啡


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Cafe Dan

Add: No. 41, Alley 248 Taikang Lu (inside Tianzifang)
Tel: 6466 1042
Hours: 10am~11pm
Price: 100~150rmb/person
Visited: Dec 2016

In a city like Shanghai, where the F&B scene changes constantly with daily openings and closings, the restaurants and cafes that stick around become all the more rare and precious. Like Cafe Dan. This small cafe in Tianzifang has been there since 2007, and is perpetually filled with the alluring aroma of freshly brewed coffee and delicious Japanese comfort food that I don’t mind going out of my way for.



There are three stories to Cafe Dan. The 1st floor is used mostly as storage, and to get to the seats one must climb up dangerously steep steps to the 2nd and 3rd floors. It’s not an especially spacious cafe, and fills up quickly on weekends.





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[Shanghai 上海] Cobra Lily 鏡花水月


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Cobra Lily 鏡花水月

Add: No. 19, Alley 181, Taicang Road, Xintiandi, Shanghai
Tel: 5351 0116
Hours: 11:30am~12am
Price: [lunch] 78~128 rmb/set [dinner] 300~350 rmb/person
Visited: Nov 2016

For a very long time, my overall impression for Xintiandi has been: expensive restaurants serving not so amazing food. The recently-opened Cobra Lily, however, is something to be noticed. Brought to you by the team behind The Boxing Cat and Liquid Laundry, Cobra Lily does creative fusion Asian cuisine priced around 100 rmb for lunch and 300 rmb for dinner – it doesn’t get much more reasonable for this neighborhood.

對新天地的總體印象是:餐廳個個價格高、東西卻又不怎麼樣,不過最近 The Boxing Cat 和 Liquid Laundry 的老板們新開的 “Cobra Lily 鏡花水月” 倒有點令人眼睛一亮 - 亞洲創意菜做的很有特色,而且午餐一百左右、晚餐三百左右的價位也不誇張。去了三次之後覺得可以推薦,速速整理下照片分享給你。



Let’s take a look at the decor first. The two-storey space includes a restaurant, a bar, and a DJ stand on the 2nd floor. The designer kept the original Shikumen structure while incorporating modern oriental elements – wall illustrations, vases, napkins, cushions…sprinkled here and there.





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[Shanghai 上海] Pierre Marcolini (2)


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Pierre Marcolini

Add: B1, K11 Shopping Mall, 300 Huaihai Middle Road
Tel: 63337318
Hours: 10am-10pm
Price: [chocolates] 20 rmb/pc [hot chocolate] 98 rmb/glass [plated desserts] 168 rmb
Visited: Nov 2016

You might remember my post back in August about Pierre Marcolini coming to Shanghai. His newest boutique / salon de thé recently opened on the B1 floor of K11 Mall, and it doesn’t only have chocolates and macarons for sale, but also a transparent chocolate lab that produces hot chocolate and plated desserts. On a cold winter day like this, a dose of chocolate really doesn’t sound like a bad idea.

8月份介紹過的比利時巧克力大師 Pierre Marcolini,大家都還記得嗎?(沒看過這篇文章的可以點擊這裡)。最近他在K11的B1開了正式店面,不僅有巧克力和馬卡龍櫃台,還多了一個可以看到透明工作坊的巧克力吧,提供冬日必備的熱巧克力以及現點現做的盤飾甜點。冷飕飕的冬日,來這裡暖暖胃吧。


For those who didn’t read the last post, here’s a quick recap: Belgian chocolatier Pierre Marcolini, after winning the title of World Champion of Pastry in 1995, opened his first shop in Brussels, and subsequently in Paris, London, Tokyo, Monaco, Luxembourg etc. I first tasted his chocolates almost 6 years ago in Brussels, what a pleasant surprise to now find his shop in Shanghai.

給沒看過上一篇的人一個快速簡介:Pierre Marcolini 來自比利時,1995年在法國裏昂得到世界甜點冠軍之後,于布魯塞爾開了自己的第一家巧克力店,現在在巴黎、倫敦、東京、摩納哥等地方也都能看到他的作品。我在巴黎時因爲看的一個叫做 “Qui Sera Le Prochain Grand Pâtissier”(誰會成爲下一個甜點大師)的電視節目而認識了他,沒想到店居然開到了上海,有點令人開心。



Compared to his previous pop-up store, the new boutique now also offers financiers baked fresh in Shanghai everyday (chocolates and macarons are flown in from Belgium).

跟之前二樓的 pop-up store 相比,新店裏多了我很喜歡的常溫蛋糕 financier 費南雪,這些是上海當地每天新鮮烘焙的。其他的巧克力和馬卡龍都是在比利時的巧克力工廠制作後空運而來。


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[Shanghai 上海] Daimon Bistro 廚魔館


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Daimon Bistro

Add: 6F, 20 Guangdong Lu, Shanghai
Tel: 5383 2031
Hours: 6pm~12am
Price: 300~350 rmb/person
Visited: Nov 2016

Bo Shanghai‘s neighbor Daimon Bistro is also presented to the Shanghai dining crowd by chef Alvin Leung, but in terms of price point it’s much easier to swallow (around 300 rmb/person) for its fine dining other half. The design inspiration comes from Hong Kong’s Kowloon Walled City – pawnshop at the entrance, purple neon lights, walls full of graffiti, waiters dressed in cop and gangster outfits – all the details chip in for the wild and raucous ambience at the bistro.

Bo Shanghai 的鄰居 Daimon Bistro 同樣出于 Alvin Leung 之手,是(以外灘來說)價格親民的餐廳。設計靈感來自香港 “三不管” 九龍城寨,入口處的當鋪、紫色暧昧燈光、滿牆壁的塗鴉,各種細節營造出混亂市井的氛圍,連服務員都穿的像警察和流氓(金項鏈好閃)。




The bar area, using bamboo to mimic the scaffoldings in the Walled City.



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