[Shanghai] Kappo Yu 割烹雄

Kappo Yu 割烹雄

Add: 33 Wuxing Lu, near Huaihai Lu 吴兴路33号,近淮海路
Tel: 6466 7855
Hours: 6-11pm (closed Sunday)
Price: 690 RMB/person, drinks extra
Visited: Jun 2011

I can’t say enough good things about Sushi Oyama, so naturally I had high expectations for its sister restaurant Kappo Yu. Unfortunately I went to Kappo Yu right before my Euro trip and wasn’t able to get the post up before I left, so a lot of details are lost in time….but let’s take a look at what’s still resonating in my head.

What does “sister restaurant” mean, anyway? From what I heard that evening, the two restaurants are under the same management. Oyama-san oversees/advises the menu at Kappo Yu, and the food is prepared by Yohei Terada, a young chef who was previously at Tokyo’s Nobu.

While Sushi Oyama serves – you’ve guessed it – sushi, Kappo Yu is more kaiseki-style. The 10-course seasonal menu (690 RMB/set) changes monthly, but if you visit Kappo Yu more than once in a month, the chef would be happy to modify the menu for you.

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