[Hangzhou 杭州] The 52 Space


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The 52 Space

Add: #52 Dongxin Creative Park, Liuhe Road, Hangzhou
Tel: N/A
Hours: 10am-6pm
Visited: Mar 2017

My last stop at Dongxin Creative Park is The 52 Space, a recently-opened gallery / cafe / photography studio / fashion boutique / barbershop. It’s called 52 because it occupies the #52 building in the creative park (why yes, very straight-forward), and is a collaboration between a few photographers and designers. The main space is a gallery and cafe acorned with a SMEG fridge, a vintage coffee grinder, and a motorbike on the wall.

在東信和創園的最後一站,來到新開幕的 The 52 Space,一家集展覽館、咖啡廳、照相館、服裝店、理發店爲一體的空間。叫做 52,是因爲它位于東信和創園第 52 棟(嗯,很直接)。幾位攝影師和設計師跨界合作,將大廳變成了咖啡廳和展覽館,不定期舉辦藝術作品展覽,也提供手沖咖啡。吧台裏有可愛的 SMEG 冰箱以及古董磨豆機,牆上挂著一台機車。





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[Hangzhou 杭州] Yuan Bai 元白


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Yuan Bai

Add: #31 Dongxin Creative Park, 139 Liuhe Road, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571 8997 8779
Hours: 11am-8pm (closed on Mon)
Visited: Mar 2017

#31 at Dongxin Creative Park is Yuan Bai, a show room for handmade ceramics, glassware, metalworks etc., by artists from China and abroad (mostly Japan). It’s beautiful space worth spending some time in, and if you are really into this stuff, Yuan Bai also opened a second showroom near the West Lake (#28 Jiangjun Lu, Hangzhou) that’s more easily accessible / closer to the city center. Happy browsing.

位于東信和創園 31 幢的元白是個手工藝品展廳,主旨是 “通過推廣器物的使用,將手藝人和設計師的心意傳達給使用者”。這裏有來自國內外的手工名家,傳統工藝品牌,設計師作品,種類涵蓋陶瓷、金工、木器、竹器、玻璃、織物等。燈光和陳列規劃都做得非常用心,是個值得慢慢品味的空間。順帶一提,元白剛開幕不久的西湖店看起來也美翻了,離市區也比較近,在杭州的可以去看看(地址:杭州市上城區將軍路28號)。





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[Hangzhou 杭州] Fnji Furniture 梵几


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Fnji Furniture

Add: #15 Dongxin Creative Park, 139 Liuhe Road, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8896 3099
Wechat: fnjiwx
Hours: 10am-6pm (closed on Mon)
Visited: Mar 2017

When Fnji first opened their living room in Dongxin Creative Park back in 2015, it was pretty much the only thing there. For a furniture brand to choose such a remote location, and to name their space a “living room” instead of a “show room”, you know it’s got quite a character. Last year, I fell in love with their beautiful shop in Beijing, so I made it a point to visit their Hangzhou location on this trip.

聽說 2015 年梵几在東信和創園開幕時,這裏就只有它一家店。會選擇如此偏遠的地方,又將展廳稱爲 “客廳”,這顯然是個很有自己個性的品牌。其實第一次接觸梵几是在北京, 當時就喜歡上了他們含蓄溫潤的風格。雖然杭州店不像北京店有甜點和咖啡(殘念),不過空間和家具都美,值得一訪。





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[Hangzhou 杭州] 23Lab Cafe


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The 23 Lab

Add: #20, Dongxin Creative Park, 139 Liuhe Road, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8738 2230
WeChat: find23lab
Hours: 10:30am~6:30pm
Visited: Mar 2017

I first found out about 23Lab Cafe on Weibo, and it was love at first sight. I made it a point to visit this lush, green space on my recent trip to Hangzhou, and was delighted to discover that they not only sell plants, but also provide coffee and some simple pastries. For the afternoon, I went with a cup of Guatemala pour over and a piece of banana black tea chiffon cake, lovely and lovely.

一開始在微博上看到 23Lab 時簡直是一見鍾情,心裏默默記著下次到杭州時必須拜訪這綠油油的地方。23Lab 是由兩個熱愛植物的女孩子所打造的空間,郁郁蔥蔥地非常舒服,處處留流出她們的好品味;可惜不住在杭州,否則肯定要搬兩盆植物回家。這裏也有咖啡和甜點,嘗了一杯有焦糖和巧克力氣息的危地馬拉手沖,搭配香蕉紅茶戚風蛋糕,溫柔美好的午後。





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