關於巴黎、關於甜點、關於工作、關於生活 – part 1

Follow me on FacebookInstagramWeibo, and Wechat (id: sugarednspiced)!

(Sorry, this post is in Chinese only! Hopefully I will get around to translating it sometime in the future…:)

花了點時間整理出2012年8月至2015年9月,在巴黎那三年多的微博 (id: sugared_n_spiced)。從原本打算小住,到因爲瘋狂愛上甜點所以年複一年地留下,這些精選出的小小里程碑和碎碎念記錄了有關我對于巴黎、甜點、工作、和生活的感想。回頭去看,都是一步一腳印。

– Prélude –


Sugared & Spiced 要搬家去巴黎,月底就走。



“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones that you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

– Mark Twain


看完江口洋介和蒼井優主演的 “街角洋果子店”,感想 1:好吃的甜點的確能感動人心。感想 2:成爲甜點師傅的修業之路真是步步艱辛呀。


收到朋友送的 Moleskine 巴黎城市筆記本。再過三天就要離開上海前往巴黎,一年的甜點學習生活即將展開,心情興奮之余,不免有些忐忑。





– Paris, Enchantée –




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[Taipei 台北] Officine Universelle Buly 1803

Follow me on FacebookInstagramWeibo, and Wechat (id: sugarednspiced)!

Officine Universelle Buly 1803 Taipei

Add: No. 263, Section 1, Dunhua South Road, Taipei
Tel: 02 2703 1898
Hours: 11am – 9pm
Website: www.buly1803.com/en
Visited: Jun 2016

Not too far from where I lived in Paris is a beautiful shop called Officine Universelle Buly 1803. Upon entering by chance one day, I was immediately charmed by the soothing fragrance, vintage decorations, and gorgeous packaging of this French skincare brand. This time in Taiwan, I was delighted to find that the first Buly shop outside of Paris opened in Taipei. Needless to say, I went for a visit and came out with a few items…

我在巴黎6區租的公寓附近有家很美的店,叫做 Officine Universelle Buly 1803。推門而入時溫柔環繞上來的除了優雅香氛,還有店裏濃厚的古老靈魂:19世紀藥局的樣貌、古老木質櫥櫃、沈靜大理石,各種精凋細琢的細節令人著迷 - 好吧,先承認一下我在了解什麽 Buly 歷史、天然成份之前早已臣服于這家店複古美麗的裝潢和包裝,而這些品牌故事精神雲雲都是之後才查的。這次在台北驚喜的發現 Buly 全世界首家分店開在這裏,忍不住進去逛了一圈(當然也忍不住買了一些東西)。



The details start at the door, with the elegant logo being hand-painted on stroke by stroke, instead of using stickers typically seen on most shop windows.

除了産品本身的堅持之外,Buly 在裝潢上的細節也非常細膩 - 比如落地窗上古典優雅的金色 logo 不是常見的卡典西德轉貼,而是專業師傅一筆一畫手工繪制完成。


Stepping inside the shop is like entering another time period. To reconstruct the ambience from the Paris, materials and artisans were flown in from France to make sure that everything’s done properly à la française, though there are also a few intentional differences between the two boutiques – for example, the colors of the floor tiles have been changed to reflect the climate in Taiwan, and the Taipei boutique also boasts a beautiful painted ceiling, something that cannot be done in Paris due to the building structure itself.



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