Day 6, Punakha to Paro Last impressions of Punakha – breakfast in the sunny courtyard, chirping mynah birds above our heads, and warm smiles from Amankora staff. It was an ideal morning, marred only by our sadness to leave this little piece of paradise. 對 Punakha 的最後印象,是露台上的陽光早餐、樹梢上唱著歌的家八哥、以及 Amankora 工作人員燦爛的笑容。幾乎是個完美的早晨,唯一的遺憾就是我們不得不準備離開這片小天堂了。 When you ask for some fruits…Continue Reading “[BHUTAN 不丹] Amankora Journey Part VI”

Day 4, from Gangtey to Punakha Today, we were to make a 3-hour drive from Gangtey to our next destination – Punakha. But first, I had requested to observe a special assembly at the local village school, organized in celebration of the birthday of none other than His Majesty The King of Bhutan. 旅程的第四天正巧是不丹國王的四十歲生日。為了慶祝這個特別的日子,村落學校的孩子們準備了精彩的歌舞表演,我們也好奇地前去湊熱鬧。 Upon…Continue Reading “[BHUTAN 不丹] Amankora Journey Part III”

Prelude Prior to my trip to Bhutan, I had certain imaginations about this mystic land, weaved together from scraps of information gathered here and there – “a spiritual mountain kingdom where tranquility reigns”, “the first nation to measure its success not by its economy but by the happiness of its people”, “the last Shangri-La”… 在踏足不丹之前,我對這個神秘的王國有著各種綺麗想象…Continue Reading “[BHUTAN 不丹] Amankora Journey, Part I”

[Hangzhou 杭州] Amanfayun 法雲安縵



Add: 22 Fayun Lane, West Lake Street, West Lake Scenic Area, Hangzhou
Tel: 571 8732 9999
Price: from 5865 rmb/night
Visited: Mar 2017

As Spring descends upon us, a get-away to Hangzhou – a city known for its beautiful West Lake, fragrant Longjing tea, and historical temples (and just a 50-minute train ride from Shanghai!) – seems almost obligatory. While looking up accommodations for this mini trip, I had my eyes fixed on Amanfayun, an Aman Resort restored from a centuries-old village surrounded by tea plantations and bamboo groves – sounds surreal, no?

這次杭州兩日小旅行,住在法雲安缦。與其說是因爲想去杭州而住安缦,更准確地說應該是因爲安缦而選擇了杭州。之前曾住過北京的頤和安缦,對這個酒店集團稍有了解 - “Aman” 是梵語裏和平、庇護的意思,而安缦酒店的特征,就是對甯靜、和諧、私密的注重,選址多在文化和曆史結合的地方,如坐落于麗江古鎮的大研安缦,與頤和園一牆之隔的頤和安缦,還有我這次入住,改造于古村落法雲村的法雲安缦。



Amanfayun lies hidden in a valley to the west of West Lake, a UNESCO World Heritage Site famed for its idyllic scenery, and is surrounded by 7 temples – Yongfu Si, Lingyin Si, Faxi Si, to name a few. One cannot help but be effected by its calming ambience upon entering the site, and all worldly troubles, whatever they may be, are left at the gate.

酒店位于西湖西側的山谷之中,距杭州市中心20分鍾車程,是個在永福寺、靈隱寺、法喜寺等七座寺院庇護下的空靈之地。延續西湖畔傳統村落布局與氣息,酒店由幽靜石徑及蔭郁庭院交織而成, 踏入的瞬間就能感受到安詳和靜谧。



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