[Beijing 北京] Mizu 花治植物美學研究室


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Mizu 花治植物美學實驗室

Add: No. 25 Jianchang Hutong, Guozijian, Beijing
Tel: 18910498961
Hours: 11am-7:30pm
Visited: Sep 2016

In the same alley as the beautiful Yuan Gu is Mizu Lab, a cute little plant shop in a world of its own. The Chinese name is “花治”, which literally means “flower therapy”, as an appreciation for the healing effect of flowers, or plants in general. The space is small and stylish, and somehow reminds me of a corner of Le Comptoir Général back in Paris.

花治的店主們原本是從事藝術設計領域的,後來因爲喜歡植物,開了這家植物美學實驗室;店名取爲 “花治”,是因爲植物對人有奇妙的治愈功效。精心擺設的花藝空間很有風格,讓我想到我在巴黎的愛店 Le Comptoir Général 某個堆滿了仙人掌的角落。




Other than plants, they also offer some plant-based products collected from all over the world.



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[Beijing 北京] Fnji Furniture 梵几客廳


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Fnji Furniture 梵几客廳

Add: No. 41 Guozijian Street, Beijing
Tel: 010-5367 2899
Hours: 11am-5:30pm (closed on Mon)
Website: www.fnji.com
Price: drinks 40 RMB+, desserts 35 RMB+
Visited: Sep 2016

Bejing-based Fnji (pronoused “Fanji”) is a furniture brand founded by Chinese industrial designer Gu Qigao in 2000. His pieces, all handmade from wood, make use of the Chinese mortise and tenon joint structure, with designs that bridge between modern and traditional aesthetics. His aspiration? To make furnitures that “age alongside its owners, gaining more character over time as it is passed from one generation to the next”. I visited his showroom in Guozijian and fell head over heels for this beautiful space – it also doesn’t hurt that they have an stylish cafe and a serene courtyard nestled in the back…

梵幾是中國設計師古奇高創立的獨立家具品牌。他們在北京國子監的 “客廳” 融合了中國傳統院落與現代風格,空間分成了雜貨、家具和咖啡三個區域,每一區都是大寫的美。



The boutique showcases designs from both China and Japan, as well as works from Gu himself. The style is simple, stylish, decidedly Asian but with a modern western vibe. No photos are allowed in the showroom so you can either visit yourself and check out their designs online. For now, let’s move over to the cafe. It was very busy when I visited on a Sunday afternoon, and I was fortunate to find the last empty seats in the courtyard.

展廳裡擺放了品牌兩種風格的家具 - 極簡主義,以及線條更爲豐富的新中式風格 - 還有自創的 “生野安室” 雜貨品牌。不過展廳內不能拍照,那就來看看咖啡區吧。我在周日下午人最多的時候造訪,室內座位已全部客滿,還好很幸運的坐到了庭院裡唯一還空著的位子。



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[Beijing] 元古本店 Yuan Gu


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元古本店 Yuan Gu

Add: No 34, Jianchang Hutong, Beijing
Tel: 010-5728 7950
Hours: 12:30-8:30pm
Price: desserts 35 RMB+, tea 30 RMB+
Visited: Sep 2016

A few steps away from the popular Wudaoying Hutong where Metal Hands is located, there is a quieter alley called Jianchang Hutong. Here, away from the hustle and bustle, you will find Yuan Gu (元古本店), a beautiful space dedicated to showcase a few simple good things in life – handcrafted glassware and ceramics, Chinese tea and tea desserts, to name a few.

離 Metal Hands 所在的五道營胡同不遠之處就是更隱蔽安靜的箭廠胡同。這裡有家漂亮的 “元古本店”, 是由幾個志同道合的好友們共同創造的生活美學概念空間,希望用最樸素的東西 - 自然植物、手作器皿、中式茶點 - 來分享生活中的美好。



The look is clean – white walls, wooden furniture, and a few plants dotting the space. The tables and chairs are all designed especially for Yuan Gu.




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[Beijing 北京] Metal Hands


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Metal Hands

Add: No. 61 Wudaoying Hutong, Beijing
Tel: 15510533895
Hours: 9am-9pm
Price: coffee 26 RMB+
Visited: Sep 2016

Another cafe worth recommending in Beijing is Metal Hands. Just opened this July, this little coffee shop is settled in the busy Wudaoying Hutong, not far from Barista Coffee Roasters. Mr. Ding, the owner of the cafe, has apparently been in the China coffee scene for over 10 years, and is one of the first to dedicate his time to latte art (though he wasn’t in the shop on the day of my visit).

Metal Hands位于五道營,今年7月才開幕。聽說這裏的丁老板在咖啡圈已十幾年,是國內比較早開始玩拿鐵拉花的前輩,而且還是個格外低調的帥哥(不過我沒遇上本人)。



Metal Hands is not big. The elongated space includes a bar on the right, some seats on the left, and an inner corner with skylight. Concrete walls, wooden furniture, and fresh flowers for decoration. It’s not spacious by any means, but quite comfortable nonetheless.

Metal Hands 的店面不大,狹長的空間右邊是咖啡吧台,左邊是一排靠牆的位子,最裡面有頂著天窗、陽光充足的雙人卡座。乾淨的水泥牆、木色調桌椅、還有點綴的鮮花 - 絕對說不上寬敞,卻倒也舒適。



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[Beijing 北京] Algorithm


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Add: No. 1-1 North Gongti Road, Beijing
Tel: 010-8454 3838
Hours: 10:30am-10pm
Price: 150 – 200 RMB/person
Visited: Sep 2016

A new lifestyle concept store called Algorithm opened up not far from Beijing’s hotspot Sanlitun. There have been so many so called “lifestyle concept stores” opening up in Shanghai and Beijing these days that another one simply doesn’t rouse interest from me anymore – I mean, they seem to all be selling the same perfumed candles anyway – except Algorithm has a beautiful second floor cafe/restaurant that’s ideal for a casual lunch or afternoon coffee. Let’s take a look.

三裏屯附近新開了一家名爲 Algorithm 的生活方式買手店。其實這幾年國內越來越多生活方式買手店開幕,出售的物品大多相似 - 衣服、家具、飾品、香薰蠟燭。Algorithm 讓我喜歡的一點,不是它選品有多麽特殊(老實的告訴你很多這些小衆品牌我也不認識),而是二樓用餐區大片玻璃窗外的那片綠蔭。樹葉斑駁的影子映在餐桌上,懶洋洋的搖曳著,太惬意。




But first, a stroll on the first floor.



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[Beijing 北京] Voyage Coffee


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Voyage Coffee

Add: 80 Beiluoguxiang, Dongcheng District, Beijing
Tel: 18611322067
Hours: 9am-9pm
Price: coffee 24+ RMB
Visited: Sep 2016

Voyage Coffee is a little dream. Tucked away in the alley of Beiluoguxiang, this small coffee shop had everything I was looking for on a quiet Sunday morning – the smell of freshly grounded coffee, excellent latte, delicious tiramisu, friendly staff, and Mozart’s piano music in the air.

Voyage Coffee 這間咖啡館原本是在798藝術區裏的一個工作室,位于北鑼鼓巷內的店似乎是今年才開的,我在早晨造訪時,空氣裡除了有現磨咖啡豆的迷人香味,還有莫扎特鋼琴曲優美的旋律,令人瞬間心情明亮。



The cafe was renovated from an old building. The original wood structure and red brick walls have been kept, and a giant skylight has been installed to allow in plenty of light. At the center is a bar dedicated to pour overs, allowing guests who are interested to sit there and converse with baristas.

設計上保留了老建築的紅磚和木梁結構,大片的天窗讓空間裡陽光充足。Voyage Coffee 堅持自家烘培,在店裏也有個手沖咖啡吧,方便客人與咖啡師交流。



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[Beijing 北京] The Georg by Georg Jensen


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The Georg by Georg Jensen

Add: No. 45 Dong Bu Ya Qiao Hutong, Di An Men East Avenue, Beijing
Tel: 10 8408 5300
Hours: The Lounge 10:30-12am, The Restaurant 6-10:30pm (closed on Mon)
Website: thegeorg.com
Price: brunch 350 RMB/person, dinner 450 RMB+
Visited: Sep 2016

Located on the banks of the Jade river is The Georg, a 1000 sqm space of art × design × food by Danish silverware brand Georg Jensen. It includes The Living Room, set under a open space glass atrium, The Restaurant, a scandinavian take on international cuisine, and The Gallery, a showroom located on the 2nd floor. A gorgeous space inside and out.

位于北京東城區玉河橋畔某個傳統四合院裡的 The Georg,是丹麥百年銀飾品牌 Georg Jensen 打造的藝術 × 設計 × 美食空間,去過的朋友都說極美。在網上查了查,餐飲評價總體似乎不錯,價格也不離譜,決定前往探探。



Georg Jensen hired famed Danish design studio Space Copenhagen (who also designed NOMA) to re-envision this traditional Chinese courtyard house. All the furnitures have been custom-made, and modern Scandinavian fixtures are installed throughout the space, fusing harmoniously with the historical building.

果然,漂亮。Georg Jensen 請了丹麥知名的設計工作室 Space Copenhagen(連續幾年榮獲世界#1的 Noma 餐廳就是他們設計的喲)來規劃四合院裏 1000 平米的空間,左邊是起居室,中間是自然光充足的用餐區,右邊爲酒吧,二樓則是展廳。所有的家具都是定制品,燈具和裝飾也點綴的恰如其分,將北歐設計很自然的融合在中國傳統建築裏。



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