[Shanghai 上海] Sober Company


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Sober Company

Add: 99 Yandang Lu
Tel: N/A for the moment
Hours: [Sober Cafe] 8am-1am [Sober Kitchen] 5pm-12am [Sober Society] 7pm-2am
Price: [dishes] 55~190 rmb [cocktails] 85-130 rmb
Visited: Feb 2017

Since opening in 2014, Speak Low has been one of Shanghai’s hottest (+ one of my personal favorite) bars, and its popularity grew even wilder after they won #2 in Asia’s 50 Best Bars last year. In the meanwhile, its owners have been preparing for a grander project – whimsically named “Sober Company” – which soft-opened earlier this month. If you know anything about the team, you’d chuckle at this name…because you know that there is no way you are walking out of here sober.

Speak Low 自 2014 年開幕以來一直是上海最紅(以及我個人很喜歡的)酒吧之一,而在去年得到亞洲 50 Best Bars 第三名後更是一座難求 - 我最近有一次在周四晚上前往,結果直接被擠了出來(明明不是周末…)。在 Speak Low 人氣爆表的同時,老板們在這個月低調地開了家名爲 Sober Company 的新店。Sober 意爲 “清醒的、未醉的”,想想實在是個很幽默的名字…你覺得你來 Speak Low 老板開的店,能夠清醒地走出去?呵呵。


I’m doing a bit of pastry consulting for Sober Company and so was lucky to get a preview of the place before it opened. The location is at the crossroad of Yandang Lu and Nanchang Lu. Its storefront, donned in a charming grayish-blue, reads Sober Café, Sober Kitchen, and Sober Society. That’s right, this place serves more than just alcohol.

新店才剛開始營業,我因爲幫他們做一些甜點顧問項目,所以已經先來了幾次。地點在雁蕩路南昌路路口,優雅沈穩的藍色店面上寫著 Café、Kitchen、Society,分別是咖啡館、餐廳、和酒吧。哦?原來這裏不只有酒喝。


This two-storey, New York-inspired establishment is orchestrated by Shingo Gokan, champion of the Bacardi Global Legacy cocktail competition in 2012, as well as the man behind New York’s Angel’s Share for the past 10 years.

打造 Sober 的是自 2012 年得到 Bacardi Global Legacy 調酒大賽冠軍後一炮而紅的日本調酒師 Shingo Gokan 以及他的團隊,店的靈感來自他住了十幾年的紐約。



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[Shanghai 上海] Speak Low


Speak Low

Add: 579 Middle Fuxing Road, near Second Ruijin Road
Tel: 6416 0133
Hours: 6pm-late
Price: [2nd floor] 70-90 RMB/cocktail [3rd floor] 110-220 RMB/cocktail
Visited: Oct 2015

There is a quiet little shop on Middle Fuxing Road called “Ocho” selling a neat range of bar tools, many of which curated from Japan by one of the Japanese shop owners. It’s sleek enough to make bartenders drool, but I suppose this doesn’t really concern the rest of us who don’t make cocktails for a living?

復興中路上有家安靜的小店叫做 “Ocho”,裏面陳列著各式各樣的調酒用具,聽說其中不少是老板從日本特別挑選來的精品。這些亮晶晶的東西看起來的確漂亮,不過你說,我又不是調酒師,這跟我沒什麽關系吧?



But not so quick. You see, there is something curious about this mannequin pointing its finger to the book shelf on the left…




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