[Shanghai 上海] Pierre Marcolini (2)


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Pierre Marcolini

Add: B1, K11 Shopping Mall, 300 Huaihai Middle Road
Tel: 63337318
Hours: 10am-10pm
Price: [chocolates] 20 rmb/pc [hot chocolate] 98 rmb/glass [plated desserts] 168 rmb
Visited: Nov 2016

You might remember my post back in August about Pierre Marcolini coming to Shanghai. His newest boutique / salon de thé recently opened on the B1 floor of K11 Mall, and it doesn’t only have chocolates and macarons for sale, but also a transparent chocolate lab that produces hot chocolate and plated desserts. On a cold winter day like this, a dose of chocolate really doesn’t sound like a bad idea.

8月份介紹過的比利時巧克力大師 Pierre Marcolini,大家都還記得嗎?(沒看過這篇文章的可以點擊這裡)。最近他在K11的B1開了正式店面,不僅有巧克力和馬卡龍櫃台,還多了一個可以看到透明工作坊的巧克力吧,提供冬日必備的熱巧克力以及現點現做的盤飾甜點。冷飕飕的冬日,來這裡暖暖胃吧。


For those who didn’t read the last post, here’s a quick recap: Belgian chocolatier Pierre Marcolini, after winning the title of World Champion of Pastry in 1995, opened his first shop in Brussels, and subsequently in Paris, London, Tokyo, Monaco, Luxembourg etc. I first tasted his chocolates almost 6 years ago in Brussels, what a pleasant surprise to now find his shop in Shanghai.

給沒看過上一篇的人一個快速簡介:Pierre Marcolini 來自比利時,1995年在法國裏昂得到世界甜點冠軍之後,于布魯塞爾開了自己的第一家巧克力店,現在在巴黎、倫敦、東京、摩納哥等地方也都能看到他的作品。我在巴黎時因爲看的一個叫做 “Qui Sera Le Prochain Grand Pâtissier”(誰會成爲下一個甜點大師)的電視節目而認識了他,沒想到店居然開到了上海,有點令人開心。



Compared to his previous pop-up store, the new boutique now also offers financiers baked fresh in Shanghai everyday (chocolates and macarons are flown in from Belgium).

跟之前二樓的 pop-up store 相比,新店裏多了我很喜歡的常溫蛋糕 financier 費南雪,這些是上海當地每天新鮮烘焙的。其他的巧克力和馬卡龍都是在比利時的巧克力工廠制作後空運而來。


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[Shanghai 上海] Pierre Marcolini


Follow me on FacebookInstagramWeibo, and Wechat (id: sugarednspiced)!

Pierre Marcolini

Add: 206, K11 Shopping Mall, 300 Middle Huaihai Road
Tel: 6333 7318
Hours: 10am-10pm
Price: [chocolate] 20-22 RMB/ea [macaron] 250 RMB/ea (pre-packaged boxes available)
Visited: Jun 2016

I passed by a Pierre Marcolini boutique five years ago in Brussels by chance, and, without knowing anything about this brand, bought two boxes of chocolates just because the shop was pretty. Some post hoc research told me that Pierre Marcolini won the title of World Champion of Pastry in 1995, and has shops not only in Brussels, but also in Paris, London, Tokyo, Monaco, Luxembourg etc. In fact, he is kind of a big deal.

五年前在布魯塞爾閒逛時,曾無意間經過一家非常漂亮的巧克力店。擡頭一看,名字是 ”Pierre Marcolini“…嗯,沒聽過,不過樣子似乎很厲害,那就買兩盒試試吧。後來才知道 Pierre Marcolini 是位出名的比利時巧克力大師,1995 年在法國裏昂得到世界甜點冠軍之後,于布魯塞爾開了自己的第一家巧克力店,現在在巴黎、倫敦、東京、摩納哥等地方也都能看到他的作品。


But it wasn’t until moving to Paris that I got to know a bit more about this chocolatier, mostly through a French TV show I used to follow called “Qui Sera Le Prochain Grand Pâtissier” (Who Will be the Next Big Pastry Chef”), in which Pierre Marcolini was one of the four judges.

不過其實對這位巧克力師更多的印象,是來自我後來住巴黎時看的一個叫做 “Qui Sera Le Prochain Grand Pâtissier”(誰會成爲下一個甜點大師)的電視節目。這是個幾乎所有法國甜點師都會看的節目,我當時也不例外的每周追隨,而 Pierre Marcolini 就是四位大有來頭的評審之一。


And just last week, his boutique opened in Shanghai. So far it’s a temporary pop-up on the second floor of K11 shopping mall, though a tea salon is scheduled open in October – something to look forward to. On an unrelated note, even the doorknobs are in the shape of Marcolini’s signature chocolate squares…how cute!

就在上周,他的巧克力店在上海開幕了。地點位于 K11 的二樓,目前只是暫時的零售 pop-up store,十月份會開有座位的 salon de thé,除了有巧克力之外,聽說還會有別的驚喜?不知道是甜點還是冰淇淋還是什麽,總之令人有些期待。(連門把都是 Marcolini 巧克力磚的造型,可愛。)


Et voilà voilà, les chocolats.



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[Brussels] Pierre Marcolini & Neuhaus

It goes without saying that chocolate shopping in Belgium is a must, but which of the thousands of chocolatiers to visit? No, Godiva is most certainly not it.

Pierre Marcolini is a store that I stumbled upon randomly, and later realized how big of a deal this chocolatier is. Its chocolates are known to be exotically creative by including unusual fruits like apple, pear, blackcurrent and melon, as well as ingredients such as pepper, chestnut, tonka beans and even patchouli, sandalwood and oak. Mmhmm. No pictures are allowed inside the store, so here are some snapshots from the outside…

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