[Shanghai 上海] Moon Coffee 月球咖啡


Moon Coffee

Add: 9-B, Alley 275 Anfu Road
Tel: 13310169107
Hours: 11am-7pm
Price: [coffee] 22-75 RMB [pastry] 29-33 RMB
Visited: Jan 2016

I dropped by Moon Coffee on a quiet Monday. There were only two other guests this afternoon, and as they soon departed after my arrival, I had the luxury of enjoying the cafe – tiny as it is – all to myself. It’s tugged deeply inside an alley on Anfu Road, definitely not somewhere you’d stumble upon, and that in itself is a charm. Upon entering, there was Erik Satie and the smell of freshly ground coffee floating in air, with mild sunshine seeping in through the windows…a perfect winter afternoon moment.

我在一個安靜的周一去了月球。這家咖啡店深深的藏在安福路的小弄堂裏,隱秘的相當迷人。一進門,空氣裏除了有新鮮研磨的咖啡香氣,還飄著 Erik Satie 略帶惆怅的鋼琴曲調,以及透過窗戶滲入,微弱溫柔的冬日陽光。店裏本來有兩個客人,而他們離開了後整個下午就我一人獨享這美好的空間。



Moon Cafe has two tables and a few stools. Standing at the bar on the day of my visit was A-Tang, a soft-spoken coffee barista from Hainan. We had a lovely chat, mostly about coffee and a little bit about music, after which he kindly shared with me his playlist of that afternoon, consisting of Erik Satie and piano pieces in similar style. I’m listening to the playlist as I write, all that’s missing is a good cup of coffee.

月球只有兩張桌子和一些板凳。我到訪的那天站在吧台的是阿堂,一個說話輕輕柔柔的海南男孩。我們聊著咖啡的事,也說了一些音樂,最後他把那個下午 Erik Satie 風格的 playlist 推給了我。我現在邊寫著邊聽著,就差一杯好咖啡了。



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