[Chengdu 成都] Lan’s Patisserie


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Lan’s Patisserie

Add: Shop 113, 1/F, Jingronghui Shopping Mall, Chengdu
Tel: (028) 6465 6619
Hours: 11am-10pm
Price: 120 RMB
Visited: Aug 2017

Lan’s Patisserie, a French style bakery in Chengdu, has been under fire since it opened earlier this year. Some people applaud it as “the best there is in Southwest China”, while others trash it for being “ridiculously overpriced”. Well, there’s no better way to find out than trying it myself…

一般說到成都,腦海裏冒出的不外乎是串串香、擔擔面、麻辣鍋之類的當地美食,不過這篇要介紹的,是看似和成都沒關係的法式甜點店。Lan’s Patisserie 自今年年初開店以來一直備受爭議 - 不少人稱贊它是西南區甜點界的標竿,更多人罵它貴的沒道理,連遠在上海的我都聽過一些故事,讓人十分好奇。正好它就開在這次入住的博舍酒店附近(確切地來說步行7分鍾),找了個下午來吃吃看。




The design is sleek and stylish – geometric shapes, sharp lines, black and white contrast dotted with soft-colored HAY furniture…

Lan’s Patisserie 門面由簡約大方的幾何線條組成,黑白對比強烈,在時髦的太古里周邊仍顯的搶眼(我想應該是成都網紅們拍照最愛的地點之一吧)。室內在黑白背景上再添加了色彩可愛的 HAY 椅子們,好看。


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