[Hangzhou 杭州] Yuan Bai 元白


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Yuan Bai

Add: #31 Dongxin Creative Park, 139 Liuhe Road, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571 8997 8779
Hours: 11am-8pm (closed on Mon)
Visited: Mar 2017

#31 at Dongxin Creative Park is Yuan Bai, a show room for handmade ceramics, glassware, metalworks etc., by artists from China and abroad (mostly Japan). It’s beautiful space worth spending some time in, and if you are really into this stuff, Yuan Bai also opened a second showroom near the West Lake (#28 Jiangjun Lu, Hangzhou) that’s more easily accessible / closer to the city center. Happy browsing.

位于東信和創園 31 幢的元白是個手工藝品展廳,主旨是 “通過推廣器物的使用,將手藝人和設計師的心意傳達給使用者”。這裏有來自國內外的手工名家,傳統工藝品牌,設計師作品,種類涵蓋陶瓷、金工、木器、竹器、玻璃、織物等。燈光和陳列規劃都做得非常用心,是個值得慢慢品味的空間。順帶一提,元白剛開幕不久的西湖店看起來也美翻了,離市區也比較近,在杭州的可以去看看(地址:杭州市上城區將軍路28號)。





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