[Hong Kong 香港] Omotesando Koffee


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Omotesando Koffee

Add: 24-25,G/F.,Lee Tung St ,Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2601 3323
Hours: [weekday] 8am-8pm [weekend] 9am-9pm
Website: www.ooo-koffee.com/hongkong.html
Price: [coffee] 40~60 HKD [sweets] 18+ HKD
Visited: Aug 2016

Omotesando Koffee started out as a pop-up shop in Tokyo’s Omotesando district, situated in a tiny, traditional Japanese home. It became famed for its espressos and cube-shaped designs – logo, work station, and even pastries are cube-shaped – that it eventually stayed for 5 years, until the building became too old to sustain the shop. Cafe owner Eiichi Kunimoto then moved it to Toranomon Koffee in Tokyo’s Toranomon Hills, before he expanded to a second Omotesando Koffee in Hong Kong.

香港的第一杯咖啡,在Omotesando Koffee。這家咖啡館的本店設立于東京表參道,據說本來只是家快閃店,沒想到大受歡迎,一開就是5年。本店因爲建築老舊的原因歇業後,主理人國友榮一開了姐妹店 Toranomon Koffee,以及香港灣仔的這家分店。


The charming surroundings of an old Japanese residential building cannot be replicated in Hong Kong’s Lee Tung Avenue, but just about everything else has been carried over, including Omotesando Koffee’s signature cube design as you can see below.

Omotesando Koffee最明顯的特點就是 “盒子” 主題的設計,從標志、店裝、到甜點,全部都是方塊狀。國友榮一的解釋是:“日本傳統茶道中,泡茶及品嚐的過程都會在一個簡潔場所進行,衝咖啡亦如是,Omotesando Koffee 所提倡的「盒子」概念令我們專注於咖啡。”


Beans are sourced from the same roaster in Tokyo, and Japanese staff members have been stationed in Hong Kong to ensure the same quality of coffee is served. Omotesando features two house blends, one is a mix of Ethiopian, Brazilian and Indonesian beans with a balanced flavor, and the second is a fruitier blend of Guatemalan and Panama beans.

Omotesando Koffee一部份日本店員常駐香港,提供與東京本店一致的味道,選用咖啡豆也是與日本同樣由小川咖啡室烘焙而成。 根據店員的說法,這裏主打兩款house blend,第一款選用埃塞俄比亞、巴西以及印尼的咖啡豆,味道較平衡;第二款則選用危地馬拉及巴拿馬的咖啡豆,味道較鮮明,果香味比較重。



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[Kyoto 京都] % Arabica


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% Arabica Kyoto

Add: (Higashiyama) 87-5 Hoshinocho, Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto
(Arashiyama)3-47 Sagatenryuji Susukinobanacho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto
Hours: 8am-6pm
Price: 350 yen+/coffee
Website: www.arabica.coffee
Visited on: Aug 2016

In September 2014, a coffee shop named “% Arabica” opened right near the beautiful Yasaka Pagoda in Kyoto, inside an old Japanese house of over 50 years old. The facade is low-key, but the stylish vibe oozing out from large window panes immediately attracts the passerby.

2014年9月,在古色古香的京都八坂塔旁一棟50多年的日式房子裏,開了一家名叫 “% Arabica” 的咖啡館。外觀低調,然而透過大片玻璃窗滲透出來讓人無法忽視的時髦感,輕而易舉地將路人都吸引了過去。


The entrance of the shop is a concrete replicate of the cobblestone pattern of Yasaka Street, which makes it seem like the outside pavement continues right into the shop, creating an illusion of a side street off the alleyway.

我在京都住的地方正好在離% Arabica步行五分鍾之處,趁一大早還沒什麽人,找了過去。門口玻璃的通透感,以及店內延用與街道上相似的地磚,都讓人有種鑽入小巷子的錯覺。


The space is elongated, with a bar on the left, coffee bean storage on the right, and a roasting area deep inside. The transparent cellar displays coffee beans meticulously selected from all over the world, and conveniently, by installing the storage required to maintain temperature and humidity for the best quality coffee beans, it was also provided the necessary support for this old house. A perfect combination of the old and new.



This Slayer espresso machine, customized especially for % Arabica, is just too beautiful. I want to learn how to make coffee just so I can use this machine. Tell me you don’t feel the same.

% Arabica這台特別定制的Slayer咖啡機,實在太太太帥了。好想爲了它學會如何煮咖啡(誤)。


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[Shanghai 上海] Cafe 385


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Cafe 385

Add: Huashan Road (please contact below wechat for details)
Wechat: andrew_wu_china
Hours: reservation only
Price: hand drip coffee 50-65 RMB
Visited: May 2016

The other day at Moon Coffee I casually asked their barista A-Tang where he goes for coffee in Shanghai. After some thoughts, he told me about this “coffee bar inside an apartment building”, and without quite explaining what it is, he gave me the barista contact. Always curious about these hidden places, I made a reservation right away for a visit.

之前在月球和阿堂閒聊時,隨口問了身爲咖啡師的他平時會去哪裏喝咖啡。慢條斯理地想了想後,他告訴我有一家 “公寓裏的咖啡館”,具體是個什麽樣的地方他也沒說清楚,總之把店主的聯系方式給了我。這種隱藏起來的地方我最有興趣了,約好時間,就這麽去了。



The space is located on the 2nd floor of an apartment building on Huashan Road, and only upon entering did I find out its name –  “Cafe 385”.  It’s a charming place with soft natural light, antique-looking furniture, and chairs that fit just right.

這個空間位于華山路上一間老公寓的二樓,直到進門後我才知道它叫做 Cafe 385。起居室裏陽光柔和、空氣安靜、家具擺飾看起來熟悉、椅子也正好合身。咖啡吧後面站的就是這裏的主人 Andrew,大家都叫他小安。


Behind the coffee bar is Andrew from Taiwan, who is still very fresh to Shanghai. Before this coffee venture, he was working in Sony Taiwan doing photography tutorials and sales training for DSLRs. As for coffee, he started drinking it at the age of 17, and since then has met quite a few coffee experts and afficionados. He came to China for the first time last March to attend a coffee expo, fell in love with the Former French Concession area, and decided to stay for a while.

小安,30來歲的台灣人,做咖啡師之前其實是個攝影師,在台灣 Sony 工作了好一段時間,主要負責單眼相機和一些其他産品的銷售訓練和攝影教學。十七歲開始喝咖啡以來陸陸續續地結識不少咖啡人與咖啡愛好者,去年三月來上海參加咖啡展會時愛上了舊法租界,決定在這裏待上一陣子。


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[Shanghai 上海] Fumi Coffee


Fumi Coffee

Add: 215 Fumin Road, near Julu Road
Tel: 5466 6021
Hours: 8am-9pm
Price: [coffee] 20-65 RMB [pastry] 8-42 RMB
Visited: Mar 2016

Brought to you by the owner of Flask (and designed by the same Italian designer Alberto Caiola), Fumi Coffee is a most stylish addition to Shanghai’s booming cafe scene. The eye-catcher of this space is no doubt the wall of Bialetti Moka light fixtures, but everything else – including the black waves hovering up on the ceiling, the sleek metallic tables, stools, counter, and the front window that folds up completely on warm days – has me (and the rest of Shanghai, it seems) falling head over heels.

Another cafe?! 嗯,上海的咖啡店一間接著一間開,不過富民路上這個新成員Fumi Coffee,閃亮的讓你不得不注意它。整個空間的設計 - 包括牆上大大小小的 Bialetti 摩卡壺、天花板的巨型黑浪、銀色鏡面桌椅和工作台、還有可以完全往上收起的大片玻璃 - 都令人驚豔。偷偷告訴你,Fumi Coffee 和陝西南路上的 Flask 是同一位老板,設計師也延用了之前打造 Flask 的意大利事務所 Alberto Caiola。做出來的效果,極酷炫。





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[Shanghai 上海] Boom Boom Bagels / Sumerian Cafe


Boom Boom Bagels

Add: 39 Anfu Lu, near Changshu Lu
Tel: 150 2140 8818
Hours: 7:30am-10pm
Price: [coffee] 24-48 RMB [bagels] 12-65 RMB
Visited: Feb 2016

Sumerian Cafe

Add: 415 Shanxi Bei Lu, near Beijing Xi Lu
Tel: 135 6475 5689
Hours: 7:30am-7pm
Website: www.sumeriancoffee.com
Price: [coffee] 24-48 RMB [bagels] 12-65 RMB
Visited: Feb 2016

Upon returning to Shanghai, I was delighted to discover a few new (well, new for me) spots for bagels. The first I tried was Boom Boom Bagels on Anfu Road, with its an attractive purple shopfront and a pretty industrial-grey interior. Only after chatting with the waitstaff did I find out that it’s actually by the same owner of the famed Sumerian Cafe on North Shanxi Road. Aha.

在巴黎三年後回到上海,驚喜的發現這裏居然多了不少吃貝果的好去處。我第一家去試的,是安福路上的Boom Boom Bagels。被亮眼的紫色門面吸進去後,發現室內的簡潔工業風格也很漂亮,看得出是花了心思設計的。和店員聊過才知道它原來和陝西北路上的咖啡名店Sumerian Cafe是同一個老板。哎呀,原來如此。





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[Shanghai] AUNN Cafe



Add: 1728 West Nanjing Road, near Huashan Road / 南京西路1728号,近华山路
Tel: N/A
Hours: 8:30am-10pm
Price: [coffee] 30 RMB+
Visited: Oct 2015

AUNN, short for “all you need now”, is an ultra spacious cafe recently-opened on West Nanjing Road, just off the busy intersection where Jing’an Temple is located. It’s run by an ex-Seesaw Cafe and, in addition to good coffee, features sleek 3D-printed RvR Chairs, Melting Pot Tables made from recycled materials, and Fresnel Lights built using transparent plastic of old CD, all from Dirk vander Kooij. Not too bad at all.





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[Shanghai 上海] Grains


Grains (venue closed)

Add: 202 Wukang Road, near Fuxing Road
Tel: N/A
Hours: [Mon-Thu] 8am-6pm [Fri-Sun] 8am-7pm
Price: [coffee] 25-50 RMB [pastries] 8-20 RMB
Visited: Sep 2015

It’s Franck Pecol at it again.  After Franck, Le Petit Franck, Rachel’s, and Farine, his most recent project is Grains, a stylish coffee shop located on – you’ve guessed it – Wukang Road. It’s a sleek space with beautiful interior design and some charming outdoor seats to match. They roast their own beans daily before the shop opens (more details below),  source mini croissants and pain au chocolat from their very own Farine, and rumor has it that the space will turn into a bar in the evening…sometime in the future.

Franck Pecol又開新店了。繼法式餐館Franck,小酒館Le Petit Franck,漢堡店Rachel’s和面包店Farine之後,Pecol先生最新的項目是間名叫Grains的咖啡店。你猜他開在哪裏?沒錯,又是武康路。這裏的咖啡豆每天早晨在開店前新鮮烘培,可頌和餅乾等則由自家的Farine提供,加上漂亮的設計和舒服的戶外座位,也難怪每到周末就門庭若市。





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[Hong Kong] Chez Patrick Deli

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Chez Patrick Deli

Address: 1/F, 5 Star Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong / 香港灣仔星街5號1樓
Tel: (852) 2527 1408
Hours: 11:00am~11:00pm
Website: chezpatrick.hk
Prices: [lunch] 90~220HKD, [afternoon tea] 90HKD, [dinner] 300~380HKD
Visited on: 2011-12-24

When I stumbled upon Chez Patrick Deli, I was instantly attracted by the warm glow that flowed through its floor-to-ceiling windows. In plain view – a rustic yet modern interior, wooden furnitures, dark timber fishes, pendant lighting. I just had to go in to find out what this is about.

Star Street

A quick browse of the menu will tell you what Chez Patrick Deli is: an all day French bistro serving homey dishes. The cherry on top? It’s got a grocery counter that stocks a fine selection homemade products – perfect for lunch or dinner takeouts.

Chez Patrick Deli


Pendant lighting

As it was 3:00pm in the afternoon, I sat down for an afternoon tea set (90HKD), which includes tea or coffee plus one “douceur” of your choice – tart, cake, crepe, floating island, creme caramel, or eclair. I opted for a cup of latte, though the tea selection by Mariage Frères was also very attractive, and certainly brought back fond memories of my evening in Ghent, Belgium.

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[Seoul] Miel

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Address: 135-100 서울1F Puzzle Haus, 94-3 Chungdam-dong, Gangnam-gu
Tel: +82 2512 2395
Hours: [Mon-Sat] 11:00am~1:00am, [Sun] 11:00am~12:00am
Website: http://miel.kr
Price: [drinks] 8,000~12,000 won, [desserts] 8,000~16,000 won, [main dishes] 13,000~16,000 won

Miel, or “honey” in French, is an art gallery/cafe in Seoul’s ultra sleek (and jaw-droppingly expensive) Fashion and Art district Cheongdam-dong (청담동/淸潭洞). Modern decor, beautiful desserts, friendly service…I love it!


Cute design



Browsing the menu, I noticed a curious item called “Dutch baby pancake” (15,000 won). So what is it? Let’s order one and find out.

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[Ghent] Simon Says B&B – The Breakfast

Simon Says B&B

Add: Sluizeken 89000 Gent, Belgium
Tel: +32 9 233 03 43
Website: www.simon-says.be
Price: €100/night for 2 people, discounts for 2 nights or more
Visited: Jul 2011

The bed at Simon Says is ultra comfortable. The only thing that lured me out of it was the enticing aroma of freshly baked croissants and freshly brewed coffee from the downstairs cafe. When breakfast smells this good, sleeping in simply is not an option.

At the cafe, we were greeted by Christopher and Vache the B&B cat. Vache is “cow” in French – just look at his fur and you’ll know why this name is so befitting.

Breakfast at Simon Says is a feast. Freshly squeezed orange juice, amazing croissants (I’d say one of the best I’ve ever had) and other pastries (pain au chocolat was delicious as well), perfectly boiled eggs (so soft so tender), yogurt, organic museli, fresh cherries, and of course, luxurious coffee.

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