[Shanghai 上海] Chez Maurice


Chez Maurice

Add: 2F, 50 Tai’an Road, near Xingguo Road
Tel: 62299668
Hours: 5:30-10:30pm (closed on Tue)
Price: 350-400RMB/person
Visited: Feb 2016

It’s been 5 months since I moved back from Paris, and it’s about time that I start missing sipping wine and snacking on charcuterie boards. It just so happens that Chez Maurice opened last month, and rumor has it that it’s a casual French bistro with excellent charcuterie – just what I have in mind – so I gathered a few friends for a taste of it.

去年 10 月從巴黎回上海後,都還沒吃過幾次法國菜。可能是離開亞洲一陣子了吧?滿腦子都是中餐、日料、泰國菜等等,雖然上海法式餐館也不少,就沒想到要去。不過一晃眼五個月過去了,最近開始懷念起在巴黎小館子裏和三兩好友喝酒吃 charcuterie 的日子,正好上個月 Chez Maurice 開幕了,聽說風格就是輕松的法式小餐館,便和朋友相約去嚐了嚐。


The location is a 4-story house on Tai’an Road, right above Heyday the jazz bar. Chez Maurice The Grill is on the second floor, and there’s also a Chez Maurice Wine Bar on the third floor plus a Japanese sake bar on the fourth, all by the same owner.

Chez Maurice 位于泰安路 50 號的四層樓洋房裏,我去的是二樓的 Chez Maurice The Grill,老板還在三樓開了 Chez Maurice Wine Bar & Charcuterie,以及四樓的 Revive 日式酒吧。三樓四樓還沒試過,Chez Maurice The Grill 倒是前後去了兩次,今天先分享下在這裏的晚餐。



The menu is short and succinct – just one page. The charcuterie craft here was taught by Monsieur Maurice, a French grandpa whose family has been in the meat business for generations, and apparently he’s in Shanghai every few months to check up on the bistro named after himself. I first tried Le Foie Gras au Torchon (78 RMB), duck liver with Port wine blackberry sauce and country bread. Excellent, just like what you would get in Paris.

菜單,不啰嗦的只有一頁 - 是我喜歡的長短。聽說這裏的 charcuterie(餐廳很直接很貼切的翻譯爲 “殺豬菜”)是由一位法國老先生 Maurice 手把手教出來的。首先點了份 Le Foie Gras au Torchon(78元)鴨肝、搭配波特酒黑莓果醬和鄉村面包,是巴黎餐館的水准,非常令人滿意。順便一提,”torchon” 是廚房裏用的布,這道菜的做法是將鵝或鴨肝用布包好放入水中煮,所以成品是圓柱狀切出的圓片。


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