[Taipei 台北] Plants


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Add: 1F, No 10, Ln 253, Sec 1, Fuxing S. Rd., Da-an Dist., Taipei
Tel: (02) 2784-5677
Hours: [Tue-Fri] 11:30am-9:30pm [Sat-Sun] 10am-9:30pm
Price: 500-800 TWD/person
Visited: Jun 2016

If you’ve been following my blog, you know that I’m far from being a vegetarian – as a food blogger, I pretty much eat everything and anything the restaurants serve. When on my own, however, I rare order or cook any meat, preferring light meals filled with lots of veggies. So when my friends in Taipei took me to Plants, a recently opened vegan/gluten-free/whole foods cafe, I was immediately charmed by it.

我本身並不是素食主義者,不過最近的確是吃的越來越輕盈了。這次在台北被朋友帶去了才剛開幕的 Plants,馬上喜歡上這家由兩個女孩子 Square 和 Lily 經營的 “植物性、無麸質、全食物小食堂”。



Plants prepares their food based on three principles: “plants-based” – their food is free from eggs, dairy, honey and all other animal products; “gluten-free” – they do not use any wheat, barley, rye nor any grains with gluten, and instead use certified gluten-free oats, carefully choosing their sources to avoid cross-contaminated with gluten; “whole foods” – they use whole ingredients, unrefined sugars, and no overly processed food nor funny additives.

“植物性” (plant-based),以不傷害動物爲原則,完全采用全植物食材,也沒有蛋、奶、或蜂蜜;“無麸質” (gluten-free),不使用引起麸質過敏的食材;“全食物” (whole foods),指的是未精致過、可看到天然樣貌的食材。光聽就知道是家用心的好店。


“Count nutrients, not calories”. Word.

小小的食堂清新明亮,牆上寫著 “Count nutrients, not calories”,透過櫃台能隱約看到後面的廚房。


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