[Hangzhou 杭州] 23Lab Cafe


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The 23 Lab

Add: #20, Dongxin Creative Park, 139 Liuhe Road, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8738 2230
WeChat: find23lab
Hours: 10:30am~6:30pm
Visited: Mar 2017

I first found out about 23Lab Cafe on Weibo, and it was love at first sight. I made it a point to visit this lush, green space on my recent trip to Hangzhou, and was delighted to discover that they not only sell plants, but also provide coffee and some simple pastries. For the afternoon, I went with a cup of Guatemala pour over and a piece of banana black tea chiffon cake, lovely and lovely.

一開始在微博上看到 23Lab 時簡直是一見鍾情,心裏默默記著下次到杭州時必須拜訪這綠油油的地方。23Lab 是由兩個熱愛植物的女孩子所打造的空間,郁郁蔥蔥地非常舒服,處處留流出她們的好品味;可惜不住在杭州,否則肯定要搬兩盆植物回家。這裏也有咖啡和甜點,嘗了一杯有焦糖和巧克力氣息的危地馬拉手沖,搭配香蕉紅茶戚風蛋糕,溫柔美好的午後。





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