[Shanghai 上海] Daimon Bistro 廚魔館


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Daimon Bistro

Add: 6F, 20 Guangdong Lu, Shanghai
Tel: 5383 2031
Hours: 6pm~12am
Price: 300~350 rmb/person
Visited: Nov 2016

Bo Shanghai‘s neighbor Daimon Bistro is also presented to the Shanghai dining crowd by chef Alvin Leung, but in terms of price point it’s much easier to swallow (around 300 rmb/person) for its fine dining other half. The design inspiration comes from Hong Kong’s Kowloon Walled City – pawnshop at the entrance, purple neon lights, walls full of graffiti, waiters dressed in cop and gangster outfits – all the details chip in for the wild and raucous ambience at the bistro.

Bo Shanghai 的鄰居 Daimon Bistro 同樣出于 Alvin Leung 之手,是(以外灘來說)價格親民的餐廳。設計靈感來自香港 “三不管” 九龍城寨,入口處的當鋪、紫色暧昧燈光、滿牆壁的塗鴉,各種細節營造出混亂市井的氛圍,連服務員都穿的像警察和流氓(金項鏈好閃)。




The bar area, using bamboo to mimic the scaffoldings in the Walled City.



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