[Shanghai 上海] Grains

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Grains (venue closed)

Add: 202 Wukang Road, near Fuxing Road
Tel: N/A
Hours: [Mon-Thu] 8am-6pm [Fri-Sun] 8am-7pm
Price: [coffee] 25-50 RMB [pastries] 8-20 RMB
Visited: Sep 2015

It’s Franck Pecol at it again.  After Franck, Le Petit Franck, Rachel’s, and Farine, his most recent project is Grains, a stylish coffee shop located on – you’ve guessed it – Wukang Road. It’s a sleek space with beautiful interior design and some charming outdoor seats to match. They roast their own beans daily before the shop opens (more details below),  source mini croissants and pain au chocolat from their very own Farine, and rumor has it that the space will turn into a bar in the evening…sometime in the future.

Franck Pecol又開新店了。繼法式餐館Franck,小酒館Le Petit Franck,漢堡店Rachel’s和面包店Farine之後,Pecol先生最新的項目是間名叫Grains的咖啡店。你猜他開在哪裏?沒錯,又是武康路。這裏的咖啡豆每天早晨在開店前新鮮烘培,可頌和餅乾等則由自家的Farine提供,加上漂亮的設計和舒服的戶外座位,也難怪每到周末就門庭若市。







Currently, Grains sources beans from Ethiopia (Yirgacheffe) and Yunnan (Baoshan), and each coffee on the menu has been tested and designated to be prepared with S.O. (single origin) or H.B. (house blend) by Franck and his team of baristas:

  • Single origin: Expresso (spelled with an “x” like in Portland), Americano, French Press, Chemex
  • House Blend: Brewed, Macchiato, Cortado, Cappuccino, Latte

For now, you cannot choose which single origin to be used for your coffee, though the team is searching for more qualified producers (level up or 90+), so in the future there will be two bean options for each type of coffee. For more details, talk to the baristas.

Grains的咖啡豆來自埃塞俄比亞(耶加雪菲)和雲南(保山)兩個産地,而菜單上每種咖啡都經過Franck和他的咖啡師們測試並決定該采用 S.O. (single origin單一産地) 或是 H.B. (house blend自家配方) 來呈現。目前,single origin的咖啡豆用于做 Expresso, Americano, French Press, Chemex,而house blend則用來煮Brewed, Macchiato, Cortado, Cappuccino, Latte。聽說Franck的團隊正在找尋更多符合他要求的供應商(level up 或 90+),說不定不久之後就可以讓客人們有更多選擇了。



I don’t know much about coffee machines, but this matte black La Marzocco is just gorgeous.

诶,我不是很懂咖啡機…不過這台亞光黑的La Marzocco也太帥了吧。



My breakfast: latte (45 RMB) and mini croissant (8 RMB) and pain au chocolat (10 RMB). Delicious and delicious, though I must also note that on a previous visit, the viennoiseries were under baked and rather doughy.

今日早餐:拿鐵 (45元),迷你可頌 (8元) 和迷你巧克力可頌 (10元)。咖啡好喝,可頌們也美味,不過記得上次來的時候可頌烤的不夠,面團味重而且表面一點也不香脆。 嗯,希望只是偶爾難免。



Other than coffee, Grains also serves tea, juices, smoothies, and fruit vinegars (raspberry, or peach+ginger) mixed with soda water. I sampled the raspberry vinegar, which was super acidic and refreshing, perfect for a balmy day.




On another note, there’s a tiny window to the right of Grains called WIYF – “What Is Your Flavor” – which for now is an ice-cream shop, though apparently they will vary their offerings according to the season. I haven’t tried their ice-creams yet but the flavors – peaches & cream, coffee (Yirgacheffe – Ethiopian) and dark chocolate – all sound pretty amazing to me.

Grains的右邊還有個小窗子叫做 WIYF – “What Is Your Flavor” – 也就是 “你的口味是什麽”。現在它是個冰淇淋店,不過據說之後會根據季節的改變而更換産品。這裏的冰淇淋我還沒嚐過,不過 “桃子鮮奶油”,“耶加雪菲咖啡”,和 “黑巧克力” 等口味聽起來好像都非常厲害。


Grains is my new happy place. Great coffee, (most of the time) delicious croissants, and the open windows peering out to shades of green are always lovely. I’d sit here all day long if not for the mosquitoes.

發現Grains後,這裏突然就變成了我經常出沒的地方。漂亮的設計,好喝的咖啡和 (大部分時間都)好吃的可頌,敞開的窗子望出去盡是武康路的綠蔭,是個非常舒服的空間。要不是上海現在蚊子太多,在這裡坐上大半天都沒問題…


地址: 武康路202號, 近複興路
營業時間: [一-四] 8am-6pm [五-日] 8am-7pm
價位: [咖啡] 25-50元 [甜點] 8-20元
造訪: 2015年9月

2 thoughts on “[Shanghai 上海] Grains

  1. i am from shanghai but moved to canada a few years ago. i have always left my heart in shanghai. i’ve been following your website and weibo for years. just saw it on weibo that you moved to shanghai now. wish i could do the same thing!

    i really hope you like this city. and would like to let you know that i love those hidden gems that you found in shanghai and i will keep being your web’s follower :D cheers.

    1. Hello yeechan, thanks for your lovely comment :) Will of course keep posting, and perhaps next time you visit you can find some cool spots through Sugared & Spiced. Cheers!

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